Fights for the rooms

Those men looks like they were ready to attack, they were more like mercenaries because the robes they were wearing didn't belong to any country they knew before.

Everyone was tensed and on the verge of attacking were it not for Crown Prince rising from his seat.

Crown Prince with broad shoulders and a stout body stood up and folded his wide sleeves behind his waist, he briefly glanced at BeiYau and the people, before he stretched out his hand to lead BaiYing up from his seat.

"BeiYau, don't destroy this inn, we still want to stay in it."

BeiYau nodded.

"Yes Your Majesty"

ChenMing glanced at the innkeeper, who immediately called the servant and whispered to the little man who then trotted over to ChenMing, escorting the guests to their room.

BaiYing still managed to glance at BeiYau and his soldiers who seemed to be ready to fights.

"Your Majesty, is it okay to just leave them alone?"