Sweet Potato's

Night came, the group continued their journey after resting for a while at the restaurant before hitting the road again. In order to shorten the time, Crown Prince decided to keep moving and stopped outside the borders of ChangSan city to set up a small encampment. Lan'er and her two maids to sleep in another carriage guarded by guards who divide their shift for guarding, while the others lay down to rest gathering their energy before replacing their comrades later.

Elder Yi, ShinYa XuYi rested not far from the golden carriage, lay down their tired bodies and slept very comfortably facing the starry sky that night, coincidentally the night air was quite warm, so they could enjoy sleeping under the sky without much trouble.

"Heh didn't expect, after forty years, finally setting foot back into the Capital, hem, does that very famous wine tavern selling Drunken God's wine still exists huh? The wine is so delicious, I can still remember every taste very clearly"