The Day

Yan and Bi along with a few small maids in the room had already helped BaiYing get dressed that morning, this morning's event, of course, was the formal meeting for choose some young high ranking state officials, according to Princess WuLan there were already several qualified candidates, and BaiYing only needed to certify their positions, this, for sure going to be so boring, BaiYing thought as he took a breath.

His adorable face as he pouted made the two maids who were busy styling their hair hold back laughter. And BaiYing heard the two's voices making fun of him, as usual.

"Sisters, you guys are laughing at Ying'er again, right?"

The two maids covered their mouths not daring to show their laughter, but BaiYing's cute face was indeed adorable, he was like a little bunny with big shining reddish eyes.

"Em, n-no Your Majesty, who is laughing at Your Majesty?" Yan said.

B nodded.