The Day's over

Night comes.

The Ministerial appointment ceremony ended when the sun had set.

From the results that day, of course, the Minister of Defense is still vacant, but they have already determined who the Junior Minister of Foreign Affairs is before the event ends.

Due to his extremely high test scores, FengHan came out as the first position candidate for Foreign Minister, and the final test before officially taking his position was given by Counselor Pai. The exams are very easy, trivial things such as the question of which shoes to wear in which season, and also what FengHan thinks about some foreign affairs that often occur, all the basic requirements to become a Junior Minister, the more difficult things will come when he is right in his position.

And BaiYing is quite satisfied with that, at least, there is one who can succeed, and electing the Minister of Defense from the beginning again, what is so hard from it?