The King and Ministers

BeiYau couldn't stop smiling, how could he? This morning he just heard something that made him ready to die right then and there.

"My Prince, I'm sorry that Bei has made Prince worried, if only my Prince knew how much I miss you, I'm trying my best to get out safely so that I can see you again," said BeiYau holding ChenMing's smooth hand.

ChenMing pushed the young bodyguard's chest.

"Don't be sweet-mouthed Guard Bei, and I'm not worried about you."

BeiYau smiled, seeing ChenMing's gentle face getting too close to him.

"Is that true? So all this time the Prince didn't think of me at all?"

ChenMing turned to BeiYau, the eyes of the two met and just stared at each other in silence.

"Because I believe, that Guard Bei can fulfil your promise, I believe, you will come back to me no matter what."

Hearing that BeiYau fell silent, he grabbed ChenMing's smooth palm and kissed it.


"Thank you, my Prince, for trusting me"