Li Family Residence

The Li family residence.

Li Mo lowered his knees in front of the Crown Prince, he knew him.

"Servant Li Mo pays his respects to Your Highness the Crown Prince"

Li Yu and Hei Hu who were standing behind the man widened their eyes, not expecting what was happening, but Li Mo's kneeling hands pulled the two down.

"Insolent child, kneel down quickly!" Li Mo whispered.

Li Yu and Hei Hu immediately lowered their bodies, although both of them still had their doubts.

Luo Xiang who was standing in the centre of the Li family's large room waved his hand, ordering everyone to stand up. He even approached Li Mo and helped the old man up.

"Uncle Li, please raise up, Xiang'er hasn't seen Uncle Li for a long time, this really wasn't planned beforehand."

Li Mo smiled, the old man smiled widely with joy, his eyes filled with tears of joy at this opportunity.