Great Physician

Luo Xiang raised his teacup, taking a small sip. Some young maid serves them in the room.

The appearance of one young maid who was also serving them caught his attention. Don't know what part of the maidservant slightly made Luo Xiang turn to her, for a moment he felt he saw a reddish light shining from her. However, that was probably just because he had seen too much red fire since yesterday, making his vision a bit blurry.

Luo Xiang lowered his cup back slowly.

"Why, uncle afraid of not worth it? The palace has an annual test for every teacher who will enter the palace, Xiang'er think, Uncle can definitely pass it. The youth in the palace needs someone like Uncle Li as their teacher, they will remember you very well until they grow up."

Master Li chuckled, a little louder this time.

"Hehehe really Your Majesty, Your Majesty think overly high of me, this makes me so embarrassed"