Third Sister Hong.

Not long after.

Xiao Hong. The red bird is the size of an adult peacock with beautiful bright red feathers. Its hind feathers are long and coiled at the ends, its legs are tall and slender, and from any angle, it looks very graceful like a princess and a majestic prince.

With a pair of red eyes that extended at the ends, a pair of sparkling eyes that looked at Bai Ying and the others intently, especially at Bai Ying, who understood what the bird was saying.

"Servant pays respects to Your Majesty the King of Nature" the bird's voice, Bai Ying changed his facial expression when he finally met the bird, the bird recognized him as the King of Nature, he was no ordinary bird, this red bird had a mind and thought like a human.

Luo Xiang noticed the change in Bai Ying's face, he was about to pull the boy's hand away but Bai Ying's pair of eyes flashed a slight reddish glow.

"Who are you? How did you know I was the King of Nature?" Bai Ying asked.