Nothing We Can Do

Meanwhile, in Bai Ying's room. 

The young man was fast asleep on the bed hugging his pillow, he was very tired and didn't wait for the Crown Prince like he usually did. The young man slept so soundly that he had a dream.

A black shadow perched on a tree branch, it was late at night past midnight and the two-night watchmen opened their eyes wide looking around them close to each other in fear.

"W-what is that?" both of them were ready to run away when a strong wind blew towards them, in an instant a black shadow was already in front of them holding the two together.

"Akkhhh! Help!!" 

The screams of the two could be heard from far away, but none of the residents dared to come out let alone peek through the window, no matter what happened no one dared to risk their lives.