Cold Town

It didn't take long for Bei Yau and the others to defeat the troop of soldiers who retreated after their comrades fell one by one, though some are manage to flee. After all this time, those soldiers might find an opponent they couldn't take lightly, although the casualties were quite a lot from the Yue Yang soldiers the Second Prince which now left by half.

"Heh, they are tough, no wonder the soldiers dared to attack anyone they meet even though there was no leader among them," said the Crown Prince looking at the soldiers evacuating the bodies of their fallen comrades.

Bei Yau came to report.

"Report Your Majesty, the combat abilities of these soldiers are no joke, the people we brought from Xin Hua are formidable warriors who still find it difficult to incapacitate them, it's true what everyone says that their strength is not to be taken lightly."

The Crown Prince clenched his fists behind his waist.