Hug You Tight

In the Mid day the end of the Lunar month.

boo boo boo!

The sound of rapid footsteps entered the main base camp room where General Lin Mo and Bei Yau were discussing, both of whom immediately turned their heads when they saw several small soldiers from Ke Wang's division enter.

"Report, General! Head Ke and head Hu managed to repulse Xue Hua's troops on the east side of the foothills of White Mushroom, even managed to capture General Bu San and kill him on the spot"

Bei Yau and General Lin Mo looked at each other, that was unexpectedly good news.

"What about Xue Hua's army gathered at the foot of the mountain? Did you manage to repulse them?"

The young soldier who was kneeling in front of General Lin Mo nodded.

"Yes General, Head Ke attacked in the dark and all troops were repulsed across the river, some were caught and killed on the spot and many managed to escape"