Out Of City

"Eh young master, what if, young master want to check who they are? If it's true they're from Pai Hua, eh,.." but she couldn't tell the young man the truth either, what should she do? She squeezed her hand in confusion, if there was Bi she would definitely know better what she should do, oh she should be the one who's back to the palace and Bi taking care of His Majesty. Seeing the servant girl's somewhat suspicious behaviour, Lo Yi finally grabbed his sword and headed for the door.

"Okay, you wait here, I'll see who those people are."

Yan nodded, maybe that's one way, who knows the young man can bring one of the palace guards, or even Bei Yau will pick them up in the room.

However, after waiting for a very long time, Yan who was exhausted finally couldn't hold back her eyes and fell asleep on Bai Ying's bed edge. The young man returned to the room and could only settle down in a small voice so as not to wake the two of them.