Bright Morning

West Dragon Pavilion.

The sun shines brightly. The sun over the Yue Yang palace that Bai Ying had longed for. He raised his hand to block the direct sunlight from hitting his eyes.

"Hoaa it's morning"

His two loyal maids were already standing near the door to greet him.

"Good morning Your Majesty," said Yan, she and the others lowered their knees in to greet the Concubine.

Bai Ying pulled his body up and sat up, pulling his two hands wide.

"Akkh, it's so early in the morning, did Ying oversleep, sis? Where is His Highness the Crown Prince?" Bai Ying asked looking at the empty bed.

Yan and Bi approached, some pretty young maids behind Yan and Bi were already lined up carrying basins and cleaning tools.

"Report Your Majesty, His Highness the Crown Prince has been to the Imperial palace since morning, there is a morning meeting since last night's meeting was cancelled"