White Cloud Forest

Morning comes. 

Servants were been so busy since the sun hadn't even risen, passing through the living room of the guest bungalow all the way to the second floor where the guest rooms were.

"Your Honour!" Bi looks out of the room heading towards the garden where Bai Ying who just woke up from sleep, takes a bath so fast, and can't wait to go down to Grandpa Po's residence, his hair isn't even tied properly.

"Come on, Sis, I can't wait to see Grandpa, why didn't you tell me that we had arrived at Grandpa's house, no wonder I recognize the place, and why did His Majesty leave without taking me? That guy" he hurriedly lifted his long clothes down the small pathway out of the bungalow to the back garden of General Po's mansion at the front. Several maids who saw Bai Ying passing by lowered their heads in salute.

"Good morning Young Master."