All of Sudden

Luo Xiang just came out of the function room for a discussion with Elder Yi and Sang Guan Yi Lu earlier, he didn't even talk to Chai Ni because he didn't have that much time. He waved his wide sleeves and put them behind his waist, step down from the function room and headed down the small path leading to the back of their villa.

Bei Yau followed him.

"Bei, don't let the two siblings wander around General Po's private residence, I have a feeling the two are planning something," Luo Xiang said in a small voice, Bei Yau nodded.

"Ready Your Majesty"

Luo Xiang stopped his steps. Looking at Bei Yau who looked less excited.

"And whatever your business with Prince Chen, I hope you can resolve it soon, don't let this matter affect your work performance, you know what you have to do Bei, you are both adults"

Bei Yau just lowered his head in hearing the Crown Prince's words, until the Crown Prince continues on his way.'