In Rage

Lo Yi couldn't move. Bai Ying hugged him so tight. The young man's face was red from the heat, and without Lo Yi could help himself he was drawn closer and again about to kiss his half-open very seductively lips. But he stops, this is not allowed. Lo Yi tried to restrain himself, straightening his body and patting his cheek over and over.

"Lo Yi, focus, don't do anything disrespectful, this is Xiao Ying."

Bai Ying who still had his eyes closed tightly, suddenly brushed off the coat that was still on Lo Yi's hand.

"Akh, brother is hot." 

Hot? A second ago the young man said he was cold.

Lo Yi tried to hold Bai Ying's hand which was tugging at his own collar, trying to pull his clothes off.

"Brother, it's hot, it feels so hot."

Lo Yi was confused, what should he do now? Seeing the young man in front of him take off his clothes layer by layer?