The Worst

Chai Ni widened her eyes. That loud noise, where did that sound come from? The girl tried to release the tightly wrapped twigs around her hands and feet.

"Let me go! I am your leader, you are bound by an oath to Female Priestess to become the protector of all Female Priestess generations, without exception!" cried the little girl.

There was a loud laugh from the shaking ground.

"Hahaha, the tribe have been extinct since I was buried here, and the last one died not long before this, do you think I don't know that? Little girl, I should have eaten you, so long I haven't tasted any fresh human flesh, but you brought a very valuable item, and for that, I forgive you, although you disturbed my long sleep"

"I released you from the shackles of the King of Nature, you must obey my orders! With this enchantment plaque, I bind you in oaths!"