Allies ?

Shin Ya realized that the Crown Prince didn't want anything to do with this matter, so he just smiled at King Bi Lou who was looking at him with eyes that seemed to be out of place.

"Erm, I'm afraid that is the state regulation, King, as citizens of all countries should obey it. If His Majesty doesn't want that, then, please pardon me, King and the people of Son Wa might not be part of Xin Hua or Yue Yang." 

The King of Bi Lou looked even more objectionable to Shin Ya's words, he almost stood up and shouted back but found a look Bei Yau who was already sharp on him seemed ready to attack him. Though that didn't stop him from protesting.

"This is outrageous, we Son Wa tribe have never bowed down to anyone, and neither Yue Yang nor Xin Hua, you have no idea who we really are, and this country should be very proud to have us as allies, for Son Wa's power is above anyone else! " he exclaimed.