Beautiful Sky

The wind is getting stronger. The sky above the Pai Hua valley and the palace complex slowly darkened. Gray clouds began to march slowly covering the blue and bright sky with white clouds decorating it.

The wind carried the long robe that Bai Ying wore into the distance.

Even though the air is starting to get cold and it will soon rain, it doesn't make the young man who has been sitting on the edge of the cliff where he first summoned Er Wang and his strength there.

Bai Ying opened his palm, seeing a little circle of white flames floating above it. Then look at the distance where the whole scenery of the Pai Hua valley and its surroundings can be seen very clearly.

"Old man Er Wang"

Bai Ying's voice, although it's so mall, could be heard far to the east, to Liu Yang. The dragon Er Wang who was meditating writhed and opened his eyes which momentarily glowed orange.