Stuck Inside

Bai Ying looked at Bai Guang for a long time. The man simply flicked his sleeve and pointed at the two doors that suddenly appeared in front of him. In the blink of an eye Bai Ying was already standing in front of a house he was quite familiar with. The front of his house is in the small town of Chang San.

"T-This, what does it mean?" he asked.

Bai Guang approached. The tall young man pointed out two doors that were precisely the same, only different colours, one door was red, and the other was blue.

"This is the door that Your Highness can choose to exit from here, the red door, leading to the place where you will find answers to your questions all along, and the other one, is leading home, where you will exit the world of Memory Coins, and forever will never be able to choose the red door again, no matter how many times you come back here."

Bai Ying stared at the two doors in front of him, alternately.