City of Xue Yang

The city of Xueyang. The name that was on the big wood plate at the gate almost fell from its place.  As soon as they entered, they can feel crowded in the big city with so many people who come to trade or even just have fun. 

That city was not the same as what Bai Ying and the Crown Prince had imagined a large city in the ancient Yue Yang or Wah Ye would be. The city they never knew existed was actually very close to Wah Ye's palace.

Luo Xiang led the thin malnutrition horse he bought from the market with Bai Ying sitting on it. Bai Ying who was still in a bad state sat down wearing a shabby robe that covered his entire body up to his head. Wearing a veil to cover his face prevented him from being chased by soldiers who might come back after him.