General Song

"Your Highness, is that man going to join the competition? He is so strong, surely he will win so easily right?" whispered Bai Ying who was standing beside Luo Xiang. Luo Xiang took Bai Ying's hand away from the crowds. He nodded.

"I guess so"

The competition started. The crowds were so enthusiastic and even voluntarily give some coins to watch the event which was so exciting because of the endless cheers.

"Yeah, you can do it!"

But that very sturdy rock couldn't be moved at all. No matter how strong the men are trying their luck.

"Yeah yeah!"

Bai Ying, who had been standing there since earlier getting bored, even yawned a few times because of it.

"Hoaa, Your Highness, should we wait for him to finish? Looks like it going to be so long"