Who Are They?

But the second step is less fast. The two men had approached them and were now standing in their way. Luo Xiang's eyes looked at the man with a pair of big eyes, and so did the young man. Both looked at each other from the bottom of the feet to the top of the head.

Bei Yau swallowed whole. That man, at a glance, looked a lot like the Crown Prince, the two of them, seemed to mirror each other. Only the hairstyle and clothes are different.

"Y-Your Highness"

Luo Xiang and the man couldn't believe what they saw at this moment, as well as the young man who was now tightly held by the young man, his face, very similar to Bai Ying, who was he? Did, he Prince Yen Hui? And this young man is he Luo Wang?

"You, how can you guys be together?" asked Luo Xiang.

The man held Yen Hui's hand tightly, so that without the Crown Prince getting ready he flung his sleeves pointing a sharp dagger at the Crown Prince.