Back to the Brothel

Luo Xiang took Bai Ying's hand towards the carriage.

"Come on my Ying Ying, let's find a place to sleep tonight. Hong, take the carriage to Red Moon brothel" Luo Xiang said.

Xiao Hong who was standing with his arms crossed in front of his chest looked at the Crown Prince for a moment. Did he hear wrong? Then glanced at Bei Yau who nodded in confirmation.

Chen Ming also frowned, did the Crown Prince eat wrongly? What does it mean? He chased the Crown Prince towards the horse carriage.

"Hey, rotten Crown Prince, what do you mean by returning to the Brothel Mansion? You know the house is full of dirty and philandering men, how can we stay there? Especially this innocent little brother of mine."

"Please be careful Ying"

The Crown Prince turned after helping Bai Ying into the carriage.