
"Get out of our way, I'm looking after Yen Hui, please come back and tell Her Majesty the Queen that Prince Yen Hui is safe with me, she doesn't have to worry too much about him."

Luo Wang looked at Fang Li and dropped the sword at the Young Prince's feet.

Fang Li looked at the sword that was now under his feet. Glaring at Commander Wu to take it immediately, he did it fast.

He raised his head and saw Luo Wang turning away from him.

"Hey, unfortunately, I can't do that, Your Majesty, Mother's orders are very clear, bring Prince Yen Hui back to the palace, even if we have to use any means."

His words made Luo Wang stop in his tracks. Slowly turning his body and saw that the troops led by the young Commander Wu were in a position ready to attack with their weapons.

"You dare to fight me?" said Luo Wang looking at Fang Li and commander Wu sharply. Fang Li grinned.