The Invisible Wall

"Ekh, damn it, are we going to die ridiculously here, how can this suddenly happen? We must immediately seek shelter."

Bai Ying looked around. Again the little tiger in his hand jumped down from his arms towards the ruins.

"Xiao Bai!" he was about to chase after him but Luo Xiang held him tightly so he wouldn't move from his spot.

"Your Highness, Xiao Bai"

The rocks keep falling, and everyone couldn't get out of their way and pressed closer to the wall. At the most critical time, Bai Ying saw something shining white appear not far from their place.

"Your Highness, look, what is that?"

The light grew brighter, causing everyone's vision to become so dazzling that they had to lower their heads to block the light with their hands.

"Ah, what is this light?"

The light that was getting brighter made everyone close their eyes resignedly to what happened next. Until the rocks from the top of the hill keep falling and burying everyone under.