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Su Lang and the others briefly stopped in front of the room to help out but it didn't seem like it was their battle. The palace guard ordered all the maids and bodyguards to stay away from the room.

Luo Xiang successfully entered the barrier field, his clothes were torn apart by the strong internal energy that came out of Bai Ying's body who still couldn't open his eyes. Luo Xiang could hear Er Wang's roar amidst the protective field rotating above Bai Ying's body.

"Ekh, Ying Ying" Luo Xiang finally managed to hug Bai Ying's body, this was the same as when he was in a trance before, when the first time all the energy of the King Realm entered his body, and now as if it's all repeated. The heat from the white flames which also became part of the protective field on Bai Ying's body made Luo Xiang's skin burn, and his clothes tore and penetrated his bare skin. Even though his golden energy was now protecting him, he still felt hot.