It's Goodbye?

Luo Xiang immediately woke up, widening his eyes wide when he didn't see Bai Ying with him, not even in the room.

"Ying Ying!" His chest was pounding hard, feeling he had missed something very important.

Without thinking he got out of bed and looked around the room, even into the restroom. But the boy is nowhere to be seen. He starts to worry now.

"Ying Ying!"

Crown Prince ran out of the room and saw the maids, Yan and Bi standing in front of the door with their faces deeply bowed.

"What happened? Where is the Viceroy?" he asked frantically.

The two maids were seen holding back tears until they all knelt down crying.

"Huks, please spare our life, Your Majesty, His Majesty the Young King, ems"

Yan Lowered her head and cried too, she stretch out her hand showing a letter Bai Ying left for her and Bi.

"Here, Your Majesty, His Majesty even left us the letter"

And both cry like kids.