Days in White Fox Valley

Warm sun. The bright light slipped through the thick leaves on the trees around the waterfall, making Bai Ying's face light up. Big smile with playful shining eyes. Laughing while running after some beautiful butterflies of various sizes that fly around him. Not only that, this fertile and beautiful valley is also inhabited by several cute little animals, rabbits, and some little size chickens.

"Hehehe, you guys are so cute"

Young master Su who was looking for food for their lunch just then stopped in his tracks. Smiling broadly at how beautiful Bai Ying's face was at that time, enjoying the bright morning air cheerfully. He looked like a kid his age again, running carefree.

"He, Brother Hua"

Young Master Su raised the fruits already in his hand higher.

"Junior Brother Hua, it's time for lunch!" he exclaimed.