Be Patient

By noon. Unexpectedly, a blizzard descended on the border of the forest towards the White Fox valley, just like what the villagers said. The thickness of the blizzard covered the small path that was still visible until it was now buried by half a foot of snow. The cold wind blows so hard makes the stiff frozen trees around the sway a bit. 

Luo Xing and his horse took cover behind a small alcove by the path trying to warm themselves with a makeshift fireplace. He had stayed there for two days but the clue to the entrance to the White Fox valley was still nowhere to be seen. According to Shin Ya, before he left, the White Fox was famous for being mischievous, playing games, and testing people's patience, even though Luo Xiang had neither, especially when it came to Bai Ying, he still had to force himself to be patient. But, what if he was wrong, and Bai Ying was not there after all? didn't he waste his time again from being so stupid?