Time To leave

Bai Ying pursed his mouth.

"Of course,  I am, Your Majesty, even though Grandma is a meek woman, she has a thousand and one ways to punish people. Just like the last time she punished my brother by tickling his whole body with duck feathers. He was screaming like hell but grandma didn't even care and stopped, then, um, not long ago, grandma also punished big brother for copywriting a hundred pages of a book in a squatting position for a day, without stopping, grandma would smack his hand if he stopped and brother have to start all over again from beginning. She might look so delicate, helpless, and sweet, but actually, Grandmother has a very cruel and tough heart."

Luo Xiang stopped laughing, looking at Bai Ying's extremely attractive face as he continued to speak enthusiastically. The boy clearly loved his grandmother and brother so much that his eyes lit up while talking about them.