Looking around she determines the source of whispering sounds.
"It's coming behind the walls.' She approaches the wall and leans her ears towards it. The whispers turn to clearer words but not enough to hear the entire conversation. Some words are blurry.
She dismissed the thought of putting her ear against the moldy wall and took a step back. She observes its surroundings and sees a forwarded odd brick not higher than her knee level.
Randomly moving the dusty odd brick it suddenly detached itself.
". . .to report." The words travel clearer this time.
Kali bent down to peek through the peephole. She eventually squat down but that too is challenging with her dress on her way. The other side was full of fancy items from the walls to the carpet but because of the limited view only parts of the luxurious room she saw, including the backs of the legs of a man.
"The young lady Alexander has not yet come out of her majesty's room." The man said.