Powerful Beyond Human Limits

Thomson's contract was taking effect from today onwards, which meant that he could now livestream for any length of time without any restrictions from the platform.

However, he still followed his usual duration and streamed for two hours. One hour of boxing training to improve himself and another hour of chatting with his fans.

He also told his fans that he had resigned and would have more time to be with everyone in the future, he would spend every day with them.

When the female fans in the livestream heard Thomson's words, they exploded. They had always only had two hours to see him every day. Now, they would get to see him more, this was definitely explosive news.

When Thomson said this, the female fans could no longer hold back. They continued to give him tips. Even though the amount of the tips wasn't large, being just tokens of their appreciation, there were many people giving tips. It was just like how if one person only gave you US$1, 100 people would give you US$100, and 1,000 people would give you US$1,000.

More and more people were giving tips to Thomson. Some, a few cents, some ,a few dollars, and also those with dozens of dollars and tens of dollars.

The tips given by everyone amounted to almost US$200. At the same time, the number of viewers and favorites for the livestream was growing every day, presenting a steady increase.

Yesterday, his earnings were still based on a 5-5 split. Out of US$200, he could only get US$100.

From today onwards, Thomson would receive 80% of the profits. He would receive US$160 out of US$200, which was great news for him.

Thomson ended the livestream and said goodbye to everyone.

The fans reluctantly bid farewell to Thomson.

Thomson felt that something was amiss with his fist today. There was a mysterious power within it, as though he had comprehended something.

He really wanted to give it a try by himself, because this power was too powerful. It had already exceeded the limits of humanity.

Thomson closed his eyes and focused. He could feel the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around him. He gathered these gases.

At the same time, he entered a state of self-oblivion, guiding the spiritual energy towards his fists. His fists were wrapped in an invisible air bag.

A layer of green gas appeared on his fist. The gas was becoming more and more obvious. It was no longer the faint gas from before.

Thomson raised his right fist and sensed that his strength was immense.

He gathered all his strength in his right hand and struck towards the sandbag.

This punch caused Thomson to sink into his own power. He did not control his power and released it as he wished, unleashing it to its limits.

He just wanted to know what kind of power his full-power punch could unleash. He was very curious.

This punch flew towards the sandbag like a massive weight. It was full of tension.

A thought flashed through his mind, causing him to smile unconsciously.

He shouted loudly, "Break!"

His fist carrying Combat Energy hit the sandbag. In that instant, he felt this power erupt.

"Bang!" A loud sound was let out. It was deafening, the entire room was shaking.

There was a fist mark on the front of the sandbag. It was neither big nor small and looked very ordinary.

But Thomson knew the power of the punch was far beyond that. He walked to the back of the sandbag and watched in amazement.

A hole the size of a basin had been made behind the sandbag. Sand gushed out from the back of the sandbag and scattered towards every corner of the room.

The hole in the back of the sandbag was an outward spiral. It was extremely astonishing, this force had directly burst out from within.

Thomson's eyes widened in shock.

This power was definitely not something an ordinary person could unleash. This was definitely the power of a divine being.

He sighed inwardly. "Gosh, this is amazing. Just what kind of ability do I possess?"

"I can't believe that this Combat Aura has such a formidable destructive force."

He did not know how much strength he had used just now. He had merely tried to exert and expend everything that he had.

It seemed that he had employed the power of Combat Energy. He did not know what this power was called, he only knew that it was potent.

This punch appeared to not contain any power. He had delivered it very ordinarily, yet it concealed an inexhaustible force. It was extremely magical and unbelievable.

It was a punch that seemed to be weightless yet it was filled with Combat Aura that was gathered on the fist. Condensed together, such force instantly erupted.

If he was facing a body of flesh and blood, this punch may not present any apparent wound but it would definitely be a devastating blow to the body internally .

He didn't know what to name this force, so he would call it 'the power of Combat Energy' for now.

Thomson knew that this strength of his had exceeded the limits of humanity. Nobody was a match for him unless they used firearms.

He cleaned up the sand scattered everywhere.

Then he took a shower and lay on the bed.

The moment he turned on his mobile phone, he saw that Alice had sent him several messages.

Alice was very concerned about Thomson. She was very happy for him when she learned that he had resigned and had officially signed on with the platform.

She believed that Thomson would definitely become a huge streamer and gain even more fans.

The two of them turned on their video chat. Alice was very comfortable with him. Dressed in a piece of black pajamas, she sprawled out languidly on the bed to chat with Thomson.

She fully displayed her figure.

Alice was very curious about Thomson, especially about his boxing.

She said, "Thomson, I'm curious about what you mean by borrowing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. This is inconceivable. It's beyond my understanding."

"How should I put it, Alice? I don't quite understand what kind of power this is either. It's like taking the spiritual energy between heaven and earth and wrapping it around your hand to form a glove of gas."

"Oh, this is amazing. How did you obtain this power? It's wonderful."

"I'm not sure either. Perhaps I am someone chosen by God. It was quite sudden."

"Haha, Thomson, do you know how funny you are? You give people such a good feeling."

Alice was especially happy whenever she chatted with Thomson. She wanted to know more about him.

If it weren't for the fact that the two of them were some distance away and not in the same area, Alice certainly would have come to find Thomson.

She was a bold girl who would never let go of anything she liked.

When the holidays came, Alice really wanted to go spend time with Thomson and experience this man.

The two of them continued chatting. Alice was also very curious about how Thomson had punched through the sandbag.

Thomson told her about this power, but it was too difficult to describe.

It was the first time that Alice had heard such a magical thing, and it evoked her endless curiosity.

The two of them chatted for a long time until late at night.

Thomson was also very fond of this girl. With her, they never ran out of things to talk about.