Blacksmith Ayang's Famous Works

It has already been six hours?

Jack was reluctant to leave but had no choice but to do so.

He did not leave immediately but returned to the Trading Mystic Realm.

The number of people in the Trading Mystic Realm doubled.

Jack's arrival caused another stir.

However, the warning from the Crystal Crown Man was still fresh in everyone's minds. No one dared to cross the line.

After all,

If the Dark Whisper Alliance heard news about Legion in the Mystic Realm, the real Legion would be killed.

It was an unbearable loss for mankind.

The best solution at the current situation was to keep Legion's identity a secret.

Jack found the Crown Crystal Man without much effort.

Jack had already guessed that the other party was most likely a powerhouse of the Heavenly Realm Federation, and might even be related to a top powerhouse.

If he had any needs, he could communicate with him directly.

"Can we have a private chat here?"

Jack looked around at the people coming and going, not wanting their conversation to be overheard.


A fist-sized amethyst appeared in the hands of the Crown Crystal Man.

He threw it on the ground.

The purple round crystal turned into a natural crystal house the moment it landed on the ground.

There were also tables and chairs made of purple crystals in the room. It was very considerate.

Jack did not hesitate to sit down and spoke.

"Can I hide my appearance in the game?"

In the Trading Mystic Realm, Jack looked like an Earth Elemental.

There was basically no risk of exposure.

In the Divine Realm game, Jack looked the same as he did in real life.

His ID can be hidden by setting.

Jack needed to change his appearance.

"Of course.

Let me tell you in advance, as an important person that the Heavenly Realm Federation wishes to nurture, the preferential treatment you receive is of the highest grade.

Even the most powerful person had to abide by the contribution point system in the Federation.

This is as much as I can help you."

Jack nodded to show he understood.

The Legion was suspected to have Grade SSS talent. No one knew of his real talent grade.

Moreover, Jack's talent was tested to be Grade B!

In the entire Heavenly Realm Federation, he could only be considered as one of the more talented soldiers.

What Jack needed to do was to show his Death Soldiers to the Heavenly Realm Federation under conditions that allowed it, making the other party misunderstand that the System was Jack's talent.

This way, when he really needs to show himself, Jack can logically become a genius with Grade SSS talent named "Legion".

Before that, he could only cooperate with the Heavenly Realm Federation.

The Crown Crystal Man was clearly prepared for Jack's request.

He took out three items.

"This is an Image Fruit. After eating it, you can change your appearance in the game as you wish.

The disadvantage is that its effects will be substituted into reality. Those with insufficient Intelligence will not be able to control their own changes. It is worth 500 contribution points."

500 contribution points was 50 million Federation currency!

Jack thought to himself, This is enough to buy a big villa in New North City!

The side effects of the Image Fruit were too great. Jack looked at his Intelligence and decisively gave up on this option.

He was very satisfied with his handsome appearance.

He did not want to become a monster that kept changing his face.

The Crown Crystal Man began to introduce the second item.

"This equipment is called [Dreamweaver's Veil]. It is one of the three famous pieces of Blacksmith Ayang. When wearing it, it will automatically conceal your appearance. When a target is designated using a spell, it will resist a single magic damage from the opponent.

The disadvantage is that the Dreamweaver's whisper will ring in your ears. It is worth 600 contribution points."

"Can I try?"

With the permission of the Crown Crystal Man, Jack wore the veil.

"! @ # ¥%…! @ # ¥%…! @ # ¥%…"


"What is this? It's so hard to listen to!!!"

Jack took off the veil and threw it back.

This voice was like Mike's long-winded speech being amplified by a thousand times! And it even forced his ears to understand its words.

This discomfort almost killed Jack.

Jack felt that if he listened to it for a long time, he would lose his sanity!

"The last item is [Shadoweave Mask]."

The Crown Crystal Man finally took out something normal.

"It can stop prying eyes of any level. The dark patterns on the mask will change according to one's mood. It's worth 200 contribution points."

Jack tried it. It was the right size, and it wouldn't come off even when he was fighting.

"It's decided."

Jack thought for a while and took out [Pure Earth Elemental Heart]. He said to the other party,

"Can I use this as collateral?"

"Isn't this the upgraded item for the Perfect Earth Elemental Heart? Are you sure?"

The Crown Crystal Man was very surprised. Compared to the former, the latter was quite precious.

He did not doubt that Jack would take out this item. He has the Earth Elemental Mystic Realm, it was highly possible for him to take such an item out.

Jack touched the back of his head and replied slightly embarrassed,

"Uh, actually, I don't have any more contribution points on me."

"No contribution points? Didn't you just receive a few hundred contribution points?"

"Uh, it's all used up."

"It's used up!?"

The Crown Crystal Man was silent. He was a little shocked.

That was a few hundred contribution points, more than enough for a newbie like [Legion].

"It's really gone. My talent needs more contribution points."

Jack replied with a laugh.

It was not just contribution points.

Not only did it cost contribution points, it also cost money!

The weapons and armors of 3,000 people, and only Bronze class!

In the future, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and even Diamonds class!

Jack didn't even dare to think about how much money he would have to spend by then!

The Crystal Crown Man replied after a moment of silence,

"Your [Pure Earth Elemental Heart] a high-level Earth Elemental Item. I can offer you 1,600 contribution points. After deducting the cost of the mask, I still have to give you 1,400 contribution points."

The man looked at Jack and asked,

"How is it? If there's no problem, I'll transfer the contribution points to you."

Jack nodded and agreed to the deal.

He could sense that the other party was helping him, so he accepted it.

The Crown Crystal Man nodded and swiped his card to give Jack 1,400 contribution points.

1,400 contribution points! That was a hundred and forty million!

Jack couldn't help but feel emotional.

I have become a billionaire.

After the transaction, Jack asked casually, "What side effects does this mask have?"


The Crown Crystal Man paused and added,

"Her previous owner was the top powerhouse, Dark Flare."

"Many outer realm monsters hate this mask to the core. They will probably attack the owner of this mask recklessly."

"If this can be considered a side effect…"