Demon God?


Most of the players in the world were in the Divine Realm at the same time.

After the Divine Realm appeared, midnight to 6 AM was the safest time.

The crime rate in the entire world had plummeted!

After Jack entered the game, he went to where Ridman, the armor dealer, was and paid the remainder of his payment.

He took away the remaining 3,000 sets of armor from various occupations and equipped the Death Soldiers.

ID: None

Level: Lv 29

Occupation: Trainee Warrior

HP: 13,500 / 13,500

MP: 10,000 / 10,000

Talent: 100% loyalty, Facing death with equanimity, Do or die, Payback.

Attributes: Strength 220, Intelligence 10, Spirit 10, Defense 160, Agility 10

Skill: Slash Lv29

Slash Lv29: Instant cast, gather strength to hack the single-target enemy in front, dealing 3,220 (3,000+200) damage. No Cooldown period. Consumes 500 MP.

ID: None

Level: Lv 29

Occupation: Trainee Mage

HP: 12,000 / 12,000

MP: 12,000 / 12,000

Talent: 100% loyalty, Facing death with equanimity, Do or die, Payback.

Attributes: Strength 10, Intelligence 320, Spirit 50, Defense 30, Agility 15

Skills: Fireball Lv.29

Fireball Lv29: Instant cast. Concentrated Fire Elemental Blast deals 3,000 damage to a single-target. No Cooldown period. Consumes 100 MP.

ID: None

Level: Lv 29

Occupation: Trainee Shield Envoy

HP: 14,000 / 14,000

MP: 10,000 / 10,000

Talent: 100% loyalty, Facing death with equanimity, Do or die, Payback.

Attributes: Strength 10, Intelligence 10, Spirit 10, Defense 530, Agility 5

Skills: Shield Up Lv29

Shield Up Lv29: Instant cast. Raise your shield to block 3,530 (3,000+530) damage from the front, and deal damage to the attacker's own defense attribute. No Cooldown period. Consumes 5 MP.

Indeed, after equipping, the attributes of the 3,000 Death Soldiers increased significantly.

Jack came to the bat cave.

He used the Golden shield and full-body armor.

ID: Legion

Level: Lv 30

Occupation: Primordial Shield Envoy

HP: 18,000 / 18,000

MP: 10,000 / 10,000

Talent: Growth

Attributes: Strength 265, Intelligence 5, Spirit 5, Defense 2,600, Agility 62, Luck 1

Shield Value: 2,907

Skills: Primordial Thorn Lv1, Primordial Favor Lv20, Shield Exemption Lv1, Shield Attack Lv5

Status: Rank Power

Mystic Realm: Earth Elemental Mystic Realm

Skill Points: 5

His Shield Value increased by more than 1,900 points!

His Health Points also increased by thousands!!!

[Shield Value] was almost 3,000 points!

He would be immune to the damage of monsters below Level 50 even without Primordial Favor.

Jack nodded with satisfaction.

He put on his mask to cover his face.

He had no choice.

Being handsome was also a mistake. Sometimes, he would also cause trouble for himself.

Jack got ready and started back to grinding.

Today, he was going to do some work.

That's right! He was planning to send out the Death Soldiers to help him.

Mission Details: Use your own exclusive skill to defeat a Level 45 special boss, Volt Cave Demon.

During this period of time, as long as you used other skills, equipment, potions, or items, you would be deemed to have failed the mission.

But he didn't say that he wasn't allowed to make use of people.

Moreover, the Death Soldiers were considered players in the game.

The only difference was that when they killed monsters, Jack could also gain EXP, and additional EXP on top of that.

Jack smiled.

"I cleared 1 / 10 of the areas yesterday. Today, I'm going to clear all the areas!"

With the addition of the Death Soldiers, they hunted and reaped the lives of the mutated bats.

As they went deeper into the bat cave, the monsters grew stronger.

Super Mutated Bat (40)

Health: 30,000

Attack: 4,500

Defense: 3,000

Skills: Blood Thirst, Ultrasound, Clone

Clone: Transform into multiple shadows, immune to one attack.

The damage of a super mutated bat far exceeded that of a bat.

Perhaps the individual attributes of the Death Soldiers were slightly inferior to the former.

However, there were a total of 3000 Death Soldiers. They were all focused on offense, defense, healing, and support.

The most crucial point was the beginning of the attack.

The activation of Do or die!

His attributes tripled!

Even the assassin with the lowest Health Points in the team also became an assassin whose ability to withstand hitting was strengthened!

The Shield Envoys rushed to the front and stood in front of the super mutated bat.

Under the cover of the Shield Envoys, the Warriors waved their bronze swords at the enemies in front of them.

The assassins who followed closely behind launched a devastating attack!

The Mages did not fall behind either. They waved their staffs and cast exquisite fireballs one by one.

The Hunters were not to be outdone as they attacked the bat monsters in different forms!

Every time the enemy's attack landed, the priests on the side would immediately heal.

The battle continued. The 3,000 Death Soldiers attacked in an orderly manner, as if they were a whole.

Jack refused to back down.

With the blessing of his Primordial Favor, his [Shield Value] attribute broke through 10,000!

He continuously used Shield Attack.

Using an attack that ignored defense, everyone was equal in front of Jack!

If using it once was not enough, he'd use it twice!

That was how willful Jack was!

He could afford to be with no cooldown+ignore Defense!

Wherever Jack went, it was as if a death god had passed through!

He was spreading death! All life withered away in front of him.

A rumble came from the depths of the bat cave.


When Bat Demon felt that his underlings were being slaughtered, he was awakened by rage!

Jack pursed his lips slightly and released his skill even faster.

"Hurry up and wake up, I can't wait any longer!"

Outside the bat cave.

A guild was preparing to conquer Bat Demon.

They had made sufficient preparations. They were all Level 45 elites of the guild. There were 26 of them in total.

There was a high reward for killing a BOSS above one's level.

If they killed a BOSS below their level, there would be no reward!

No one else could help them.

However, Jack did not know about this. Even if he knew, he would not have any reaction. When he was in the novice dungeon, he had relied on the Death Soldiers to crush the enemy!

Clearly, the Death Soldiers were not included in this category.

The guild master was making the final mobilization.

This was because Level 45 was the most suitable level to kill Bat Demon!

"There's a Weakening Potion this time. It can reduce any enemy's damage output to 10% for 5 minutes.

We will definitely be able to take down Bat Demon!"

"The college entrance examination is about to begin again. The price of Level 45 equipment is skyrocketing. We'll take this opportunity to make a huge profit!"

"Let's go!"

26 guild elites came out in full force!

For this Boss battle, they had researched for a long time and knew the bat cave like the back of their hands!

The mutated bats outside could not stop them.

"Eh? Where are the mutated bats?"

The guild master walked in front and muttered.

Along the way, not to mention the wild monsters, they did not even see a single person!

"Our luck is pretty good. Use less of the potion, we'll be able to earn more this time."

"Everyone, don't let down your guard. Step up and follow!"

They continued deeper.

"This is the territory of mutated bats. In order to restrain these guys, I brought three Light Priests!"

"Where are the bats? Did we go to the wrong place?"

The guild master began to doubt his own judgment.

They had walked half of the journey, but there was not nothing at all!

"Boss, why isn't there anything inside?"

"Are we going the wrong way?"

Faced with his team members' doubts, the guild master summoned a hunter with a gloomy face.

"Throw a large-scale probe and see what's going on!"

The Hunter pressed his hand to the ground and a green light spread out.

After the probe, his expression first showed shock, then turned odd.

"Boss, there are a lot of people fighting with the BOSS. It's just the number of people and their occupations…"

The guild master looked at the Hunter, which had a constipated expression, and asked curiously.

"What about the number of people and their occupations? Tell us!"

"300 Shield Envoys, 600 Warriors, 600 Mages, 450 Assassins, 450 Hunters, 600 Priests, and one with an unknown occupation."

"A total of 3,001 people!"



Everyone fell silent.

3,001 people?

What the hell?

Did someone bring a 3,000-strong army here to clear the dungeon?

The guild master felt his breathing stop.

Why did they have to encounter such things!?

However, they were unwilling to give up just like that.

After all, they had planned for so long, but in the end, someone else beat them to it!

He was indignant!

The guild master asked.

"What level are they?"

"Other than the one with an unknown occupation, who is Level 30, the rest are all Level 29."


The guild master perked up. Level 30? Level 29?

Did they strike the lottery today!?

They did not need to deal with the super mutated bats and bat guards.

He could fight the Bat Demon directly?!

The guild master ignored the players that Hunter mentioned.

They were all players below Level 30. Did they think that they could challenge the Bat Demon just because they had 3,000 people?

Do they believe that the Bat Demon could kill a kid with one punch?

The guild master believed that by the time they arrived, these low-level players would have already been wiped out by the Bat Demon team!

When the time comes, they would take over…

When he thought about how he would be able to defeat Bat Demon, the guild leader felt excited.

"Charge! The Bat Demon is right in front!"

"Charge! Charge! Charge!"


The guild master led the elites of the guild and started running frantically, afraid that they wouldn't be able to catch up!

The moment they rushed out of the tunnel and arrived at the battlefield,

an unforgettable scene appeared before 26 people.

For the rest of their long lives, every time they thought about this moment, they could feel the shock they were experiencing right now, the shock that assaulted their faces!

A figure in golden armor with a golden shield on his back and a green spear in his hand sent the Bat Demon flying.

Countless pitch-black figures around him continued to rush towards the Bat Demon. They were like black tidal waves, striking the Bat Demon.

Especially the golden figure. As it brandished its spear, it seemed to bring along a chaotic aura that dealt shocking damage to the Bat Demon!

The Bat Demon's HP dropped rapidly.




Along with his final destructive strike!

The Bat Demon demon fell to the side of the terrifying figure unwillingly.

As its facial features twisted continuously, it was as if a demonic god had descended!