This Is the First Time I've Heard of Such a Perverse Request

Tianke City was not weak and had abundant resources.

The Heavenly Realm Federation had been operating here for more than 60 years, constantly trying to improve its Affinity towards the Humans in Tianke City.

Even after a year of hard work, they were still unable to increase its Affinity to [Friendly].

But Legion did it!

The door was kicked open by Legion!

The minister in charge of Tianke City was extremely excited.

Experts predicted that from today onwards, the efficiency of Tianke City producing human powerhouses would double!

In the foreseeable future, Tianke City will flourish even more.

Just like pushing dominoes, the human race's advantage gradually accumulated.

In the tug of war with the demons from the outer realms, the scales of victory slowly tipped towards the humans.

"The cutoff score for this year's college entrance examination might be raised by a few grades."

"Report this matter to the Federation and highlight the merits of Legion!"


The entire Tianke City branch began to operate.

These chain reactions were unexpected to Jack.

He was currently busy with another matter: choosing equipment!

"Tianke City has collected 11,000 sets of occupation outfits. There are more than 400 sets that are for Shield Envoys."

As fellow apprentices, Jikhel recommended Jack.

"Since you want to continue the path of the Primordial occupation, the increase in attributes is especially important!

Especially in the early stages, the enhancement brought by one's basic attributes was not huge. Hence, one had to rely on the attributes of the equipment.

In particular, choosing the right equipment would allow one to gain a huge increase in combat power in a very short period of time.

I'm just not sure. Does your own special attribute need to be enhanced through these?"


Jack was confused.

Hadn't Jikhel seen through his occupation skills?

Why didn't he know about [Shield Value]?

At this point, Jikhel looked at Jack and saw his confusion. He smiled and said,

"The special attributes of the Primordial occupation are very high-leveled. Without the highest level detection methods, it is impossible to see through them."

Hearing Jikhel's explanation, Jack was enlightened.

So the skills were hidden!

Doesn't that mean, at least for now, Jack doesn't have to worry about his own information leaking.

Jack was very happy when he thought of this. He could not help but be more determined that his choice was right.

He looked at Jikhel and said,

"I need all kinds of attributes, any equipment that can boost attributes works!"

"Any attributes?"

"Yes! Anything as long as it's attribute points!"

Jikhel was shocked to hear what Jack said.

This was the first time he had heard of such a perverse special attribute requirement!

There was actually no limit to the type of attribute.

For example, his Primordial Mage required MP!

His teacher, a Primordial Priest, needed HP. The higher the HP, the more the resurrection skills.

It was the first time Jikhel had heard of someone who needed all the attributes, like Jack.

He could imagine how terrifying Jack would be when he advanced.

After a moment of shock, Jikhel looked at Jack and said,

"I do have similar equipment, but I need to prepare it. When I'm done forging, you can come and get it."

Jack nodded, expressing understanding.

"Since there's nothing else here, I'll leave first."

"Wait, let me give you this skill as your Senior."

Jikhel called Jack, who was about to leave, and handed him a skill book.

Jack took it and checked its attributes.

Six Senses (Platinum Skill)

Six Senses: Mark the target, only the specified target will be hurt.

Looking at the skill effect, Jack's eyes lit up.


This was a godly skill!

With this skill, he would be able to use his skill, Repay Evil With Evil, anywhere.

Not just Repay Evil With Evil, any other damage skill would be affected.

Wasn't this the so-called peace mode and battle mode?

Jikhel smiled and said,

"The skills of Primordial occupations are mostly skills with high damage and strange abilities. With this skill, I believe it can help you avoid many problems.

Coupled with your Repay Evil With Evil, I believe it will be very useful."

Jack was delighted.

"Thank you, Senior!"

"Well, if there's nothing else, you may leave."

Jikhel nodded to indicate that Jack could go.

Their teacher was no longer here. Jikhel had accepted a disciple on behalf of his teacher.

Naturally, Jikhel had the responsibility of assuming his teacher's duties.

Half an hour later, Jack left the Krawboire camp.

The gains from this trip were beyond his imagination.

"I shall go back to the Trading Space and sell the junk I don't want."

"Path of Trial, here I come!"

Jack came to the Trading Space.

"Little brother Legion, you're here again."

The Crown Crystal Man received Jack again in the amethyst hut.

Compared to the initial crystal house, there were many more facilities in the house.

It had changed from an unfinished room to a furnished room with a wine cabinet.

"Do you want some fruit beer?"

The Crown Crystal Man handed him a glass of fruit beer. Jack didn't expect to be able to eat and drink in the Trading Mystic Realm.

He picked up the beer and drank it in one gulp. A refreshing feeling spread through every cell in his body, as if he had taken a cold shower on a hot summer day.

The Divine Realm 100% emulation was indeed worthy of its reputation!

It was no wonder the red tent ladies' business was so good and did not receive any FFF warning.

"Intelligence +50"

"Intelligence +50"

"It can actually increase basic attributes!"

Jack had an eye-opening experience. Such consumables were obviously expensive.

"Another one!"

"No problem."

The Crown Crystal Man refilled Jack's glass again and placed a can of fruit beer on the table.

Such a small glass of the Federation's secret fruit beer could increase Intelligence by 100 points.

In the outside world, it would probably cost several hundred thousand Federation currency!

This was a product under the jurisdiction of the Federation, and it was illegal to trade in private. Every time it was publicly sold, it would be sold out right away, and it was especially popular with Mages and Priests.

Jack did not care that it added Intelligence. He wanted all the attributes!

After pouring the fruit beer, the Crown Crystal Man stood up and said seriously,

"Comrade Legion, before we talk about the deal, there's something that will take up one minute of your time."

He addressed Jack as 'comrade' instead of 'little brother'.

This was an extremely formal title.

What were comrades? Like-minded people!

We are not alone!

This was a form of recognition and a form of responsibility!

Jack looked serious.

The Crown Crystal Man said seriously.

"Thank you for everything you've done for Tianke City. On behalf of all the Guardians of the Heavenly Realm Federation who have fought hard in the outer realms, I hereby salute you!"

The Crown Crystal Man slowly raised his right hand and bowed.

Jack did not just sit there. He stood up and returned the greeting!

The two of them looked at each other and smiled. They sat back down. The distance between them was reduced.

Before this, Legion was just a talented seedling.

As the spokesperson of the Heavenly Realm Federation, the Crown Crystal Man had the will and responsibility to guide and nurture Legion.

Now, the Crown Crystal Man truly treated Legion as one of its own!

A comrade who had fought alongside him!

"There's no need to thank me."

The Crown Crystal Man showed the Federation's sincerity.

"The Federation is willing to offer 30,000 contribution points as a reward for increasing the Human's Affinity with Tianke City.

Previously, the Federation had publicly offered a reward of 500 contribution points for increasing one point of Affinity.

You have increased 30 points in one go. Most importantly, you achieved a Friendly attitude. The Federation's reward has doubled. Consider it a reward for you."

Thirty thousand contribution points, worth three billion Federation currency!

A house in New North City cost only two million Federation currency.

Three billion was enough to buy 2 to 3 office buildings!

Jack nodded slightly.

The Federation was indeed fair and clear about rewards and punishments.

"At the same time, I will officially open up a lifetime S-rank Federation Authority for you. I will briefly explain the authority and benefits to you.

You can access any documents below S-rank, apply to access SS-rank documents, receive a monthly allowance of 200 contribution points, and receive a compensation of 10,000 contribution points if you die in battle. Your children will be able to enter the Federation Guardian University…"

Ordinary graduates of the Imperial Capital Guardian University would not be able to receive such treatment.

Jack had yet to take the college entrance examination, but his starting point was already the end for many people.

Every month, he would earn 200 contribution points. Even if Jack didn't do anything, he would earn 20 million monthly for life!

Furthermore, it was different from ordinary Federation Guardians.

Jack had a lot of freedom and had a lot of flexibility!

"Okay, now we can talk about your needs."

The Crown Crystal Man finished his explanation and returned the ball to Jack's court.

"I have some things that I want to sell."

Jack took out all his earlier gains.

Level 45 Gold equipment Bat Demon Cloak, estimated 180 contribution points. 16 Silver equipment, valued at 260 contribution points, and the rest of the materials were worth 10 contribution points.

A total of 450 contribution points.

As for the Class Advancement item for Thieves, the Crown Crystal Man expressed that there was no fixed price for it.

Sometimes, if they sold well, they could be sold for thousands of contribution points.

If it was a poor transaction, he might not even be able to sell it for 100 contribution points.

The Crown Crystal Man suggested for Jack to leave the Thief Class Advancement item with him to sell.

If someone offered a high price, he would notify Legion before he finalized the sale.

This would ensure Jack's best interests.

Jack agreed. It was a sure-win deal.

Although he had earned 30,000 contribution points earlier on, and Jack's acceptance level had greatly improved, this trip was worth 450 contribution points, 45 million Federation currency!

For Jack, it was still rather exciting.

He was now a big shot who earned tens of millions a day!

"The Federation trades your equipment at the highest price."

The Crown Crystal Man said,

"If you have anything you want to buy, the Federation will sell it to you on a 7% discount as an S-rank benefit!"

Jack found a blind spot.

"If I sold my previous items for 450 contribution points, how many contribution points do I have to spend to buy them back? 200 or 300?"

The Crystal Crown Man: …

The Federation groomed you well, but you want to be a second-hand merchant?

It was amusing to be a little mischievous sometimes.

Jack, who now had more than 30,000 contribution points, could be considered a local tycoon.

Even No.4 High School might not be as rich as him!

Taking the item price list of the Crown Crystal Man, Jack began to read it seriously.

It would be a waste not to use the money.

The most suitable strategy for Jack was to quickly convert resources into combat power.

Soon, Jack saw an equipment.

"A Legendary Shield (Upgradeable Weapon!) personally forged by the famous blacksmith master, Ayang"

Quotation, not yet available.

Jack happened to be short of a good big shield. He pointed at the big shield and asked.

"How much is this?"

The Crown Crystal Man appeared to be in a dilemma.

"This… I'll have to discuss this with Master Ayang. Wait a moment, I'll contact him!"