The Rats Are So Close!

Due to the level restrictions of the dungeon, Jack could not level up now.

He must go to the Path of Trial.

When others went to the Path of Trial, a SSS grade clearance would grant them the Rank Power.

Jack went in order to upgrade the Rank Power.

He looked forward to seeing how the Rank Power would evolve after clearing the dungeon with a SSS grade!

Jack didn't follow the Crown Crystal Man's advice to polish his life skills.

Skills had their specialties.

Jack knew his strengths lay in fighting.

It was best to play to his strengths and avoid his weaknesses.

Before logging out of the game, Jack checked his attributes panel:

ID: Legion

Level: Lv 50

Occupation: Primordial Shield Envoy

HP: 33000 / 33000

MP: 15000 / 15000

Talent: Growth

Attributes: Strength 305, Intelligence 205, Spirit 5, Defense 114,036, Agility 102, Luck 3

Shield Value: 114,653

Skills: Primordial Protection Lv5, Primordial Favor Lv40, Shield Exemption Lv1, Shield Attack LV5, Primordial Protection Lv1, Repay Evil With Evil Lv1

Status: Rank Power

Mystic Realm: Earth Elemental Mystic Realm

Skill Points: 0

It was hard to imagine that under the influence of the Diamond shield skill [Absolute Defense], his Defense value had doubled!

With an additional 50,000 Defense Points and double the original Defense Points, it easily exceeded 100,000!

Jack believed that if he used Primordial Favor, this value could exceed 120,000!

What did 120,000 mean?

As long as an enemy attacked Jack, the critical damage from the passive skill [Primordial Thorn] would reach 40,000.

He was like a human-shaped hedgehog. His reflexes could make his enemies doubt their lives!

At the same time, Shield Attack dealt almost 70,000 damage.

Even the 500,000 HP Dark Whisper Alliance assassins could not block such a high amount of Defense ignoring Attack!

He would be able to take care of them in a few attacks.

Even without the [Shield Value] attribute ability, Jack would be able to fight even a Second Grade Guardian!

Not only did it have high Defense and high Damage, but it also had AOE skills Repay Evil With Evil and Heaven Collapsing Earth Shattering.

He had made up for his shortcomings.

"Log out of the game!"

Jack, who had nothing to do in the Divine Realm, returned to reality.

"I wonder how Mike is doing now."

Mike should be able to do his Class Advancement tonight.

He himself was not far from his second Class Advancement.

Jack removed his equipment from the game.

He put on the Shadowweave Mask, which had an effect of avoiding detection.

This way, no one would know Jack's identity.

He put on his armor, mounted his shield, and looked at the bronze spear in his hand.

"At my current level, this spear is just a decoration. It seems it's time for me to change my main weapon."

Jack was armed and ready.

He now had access to the Federation's S-rank Authority.

Although he was not a Guardian, he could still use skills in the city.

As a symbol of status, the Crown Crystal Man gave Jack a badge.

There was a huge crystal body carved on the badge. Through the fluorescent light, one could see a letter: [S].

"Try the effect of the detector."

Jack hit the only switch on the detector and the green screen lit up.

"Is this thing really copying Dragon Ball?"

Jack grumbled to himself.

A few seconds later, the detector beeped.

Jack perked up.

There really was one!

The detector scanned a radius of five kilometers.

There were assassins from the Dark Whisper Alliance within five kilometers?


Jack looked in the direction of the detector. The enemy was not far from him.

In the district!

1, 2, 3… 7 people.

The detector showed the Strength of the seven people:

Level 145 Warrior, Level 156 Thief, Level 172 Mage…

The weakest of the seven was Level 145, and the strongest was a level 180 Unholy Priest!

These degenerates who sought refuge in the outer realms

All have been baptized by the blood of the Demon God from the outer realm, and paid the price of humanity!

They were traitors, assisting the outer realm demons to destroy and assassinate human geniuses in an attempt to break through the human defenses and let the outer realm demons take over Planet Aquamarine.

It wouldn't be enough even if these scums die ten thousand times!

"Seven people, none above Level 200…"

Jack hesitated.

According to the Crown Crystal Man, their HP was above 500,000.

Jack's Shield Attack and the Primordial Thorn's damage output were not weak.

But considering the number of enemies.


A huge gap in their levels, equipment, whether the enemies had a backup plan…

After considering all the factors, Jack decided to report it to the police!

When faced with powerful criminals, the best solution was to call for backup.

Although he had 3,000 loyal Death Soldiers, facing these high-level assassins, Jack felt that it was better to let them farm EXP for him.

Who knew if the Death Soldiers could revive after dying in real life?

If they couldn't be revived, he would suffer a great loss.

Jack came to the public phone booth by the road.

The Shadowweave Mask had a voice changer.

After making the call, Jack said quickly,

"New North City, Tianbeishui Estate, Block 7, Room 119. There are seven members of the Dark Whisper Alliance. Their strengths are: Level 180 Unholy Priest…"

Jack repeated the information, then he hung up.

Next, Jack only needed to pay close attention to the enemy's movements and wait for the arrival of the city defense department's elite soldiers.

Looking at the detector in his hand, Jack suddenly wanted a good detection skill.

It would be too rough if he could only monitor using a detector.

"It seems that apart from weapons, I also need a scouting skill. It's best to prepare before heading to the Path of Trial."

Jack murmured.

Block 7, Room 119.

Inside the house, the seven of them were acting out of character. They were neither sleeping nor playing games.

They were plotting something.

The leader was a bald man with tattoos all over his body. He was also the strongest Unholy Priest among the seven.

After some time, after undergoing the next baptism using the blood of the Demon God, he had a chance to break through to Level 200 and become a Second Grade Guardian!

Halfway through plotting, the bald Priest raised his head and looked around, touching his bald head.

"Strange, I feel like I'm being stared at by something!"

He quickly dispelled his doubts.

Everyone was very careful. The anti-detection device did not give any warning.

He was probably thinking too much.

"Did you remember what I said just now?"

"The target of these two people's assassination is Grade S Fan Jia'er, Grade B Jack…"

"Boss, I can understand if you want to assassinate a Grade S, but a Grade B talent?"

"What can a Grade B do? He can't even become a Guardian!"

"Is the order wrong?"

The bald Priest snorted.


"Don't underestimate Jack. He defeated Fan Jia'er in combat. Fan Jia'er even used a skill, but was still defeated by Jack!"


The other six people gasped.

A burst of laughter erupted.

"This Grade S Fan Jia'er is too trashy."

"The shame of Grade S, hahaha!"

"Boss, spare this Grade S class. Letting her fight in the outer realm space is the biggest help to us, hahaha!"

"I've received professional training, no matter how… hahaha!"


Everyone laughed at Fan Jia'er.

Even the bald Priest himself found Fan Jia'er ridiculous.

"If I had a Grade S talent, why would I seek refuge in the outer realm to level up?

Damn it! Trash that can't even defeat a Grade B should just die! "


Jack didn't even know that as a Grade B Talent, he was already on Dark Whisper Alliance's must-kill list.

At this moment, Jack was hiding in a secret and convenient position, recalling something.