Heh, Grade S Talent?

"Something is wrong."

A ray of light flashed, and Jack appeared on the abandoned street.

The sky was covered with dark clouds and it was raining black rain.

Through the Shadowweave Mask, Jack could detect a pungent odor that made him uncomfortable.

"Let's wait and see."

Jack dashed into a forest, placed his shield in front of him and charged forward!

He took the Defensive and tank route. He was not worried at all about the damage from the collision.

Along the way, he bumped into countless trees. The loud noise attracted the surrounding monsters.


Jack suddenly stopped and looked at the thing in front of him.

"A lone elite monster?"

An empty space appeared in the dense forest!

A huge octopus with a diameter of about 20 meters waved its huge tentacles. It was pitch black and bubbles kept popping out of its body. It looked weird and disgusting.

Jack recognized his opponent:

Multiple-legged Octopus (50)

Health: 300,000

Attack: 21,000

Defense: 9,000

Skills: Broken Limb Regeneration, Vision Deprivation, Chain Whip

Broken Limb Regeneration: Regenerates 20% Health, reduces 30% Defense, lasts for 15 seconds, Cooldown 60 seconds.

Vision Deprivation: Blind the target for 30 seconds. Cooldown: 120 seconds.

Chain Whip: Wave most tentacles to whip the target. The damage is 105% each time.

It was not considered a difficult opponent. After killing it, Jack would be rewarded with 10 Strength.

With Jack's output ability, he could kill the Multiple-legged Octopus instantly.

However, the strange look on the octopus made Jack cautious.

Perhaps there had been some unknown changes in the trial continent. The monsters were different from what was described in the information.

"Let's practice first!"

Shield Attack!

Diamond Shield: Under the Mighty Fury skill, his casting speed doubled!

The Shield Attack, which had no Cooldown and no consumption, was like a magic machine gun, shooting out formless bullets crazily.

The formless bullets transformed into countless flying spears, trailing a chaos-colored tail that rained down on the opponent's body.

The octopus was attacked. It waved its huge tentacles and attacked Jack.

But it was futile.

With just a few tens of thousands of damage immunity, it increased the value of Repay Evil With Evil by more than 20,000.

In the end, he was still reduced to ashes by the Shield Attack.

"You used Shield Attack to kill the mutated Multiple-legged Octopus, +20 Strength!"

It had indeed mutated!

Jack appeared grim.

He had thought that the Multiple-legged Octopus would be killed instantly.

Who would have thought that it would last a few seconds longer!

This meant that the Multiple-legged Octopus's Strength had more than doubled through mutation!

One had to know that in the trial continent, the Multiple-legged Octopus was already the weakest group of monsters.

If he had become several times stronger, becoming so difficult to deal with,

the Strength of the other monsters would be unimaginable!

"I must be careful!"

As he was being cautious, Jack was also somewhat delighted.

The Multiple-legged Octopus had become stronger, and the rewards also increased!

10 Strength attribute points were doubled!

"If it had affected all the monsters, it might not be a bad thing?"

"Doesn't this mean there are many more surprises inside?"

"If it had affected all the monsters, it might not be a bad thing?"

Jack smiled.

However, a sudden voice startled his smile!

[System prompt: You have killed a Level 50 mutated Multiple-legged Octopus and obtained 10,000 Death Soldiers Points.]


On the other side of the continent.

The genius team that used the trial token was sent to the same place.

They were not as lucky as Jack.

As soon as they arrived, they were forced to fight against a mutated Multiple-legged Octopus.

"Earth-type monster, Multiple-legged Octopus. Jia'er, aren't you studying Grade S talent? Come and try."

There were a total of seven people in the genius team. Five of them were Grade S talents, and two were Grade SS talents.

As the captain, it was normal for him to command Jia'er to fight.

Moreover, the Multiple-legged Octopus was the weakest monster in the entire trial continent.

If she couldn't even defeat it, it would be best for her to leave the trial continent as soon as possible!

This place was not suitable for weaklings!

"Jia'er, be careful. There's something wrong with this Multiple-legged Octopus."

Tiantian reminded her.

"Don't be anxious, you just need to take it down within two minutes!"

Fan Jia'er nodded and went into battle.

As soon as she started fighting, Fan Jia'er discovered that the Multiple-legged Octopus was extremely difficult to deal with!

Super high HP regeneration, trouble caused by Vision Deprivation, and high damage from Chain Whip.

The true strength of the enemy was stronger than the data on paper!

It had actually beaten Fan Jia'er to the point where she could not even retaliate!

In a moment of desperation, Fan Jia'er even ignored the risk of exposing her talent and tried to capture it as her pet!

Failure! Failure! Failure!

Two minutes later, many people looked at Fan Jia'er with contempt.

Three minutes passed. Someone started to yawn, turn around, not caring about the battle.

Four minutes passed…

Worldly Tyrant's face was ashen and he looked impatient.

"Do you want to fight a Multiple-legged Octopus for an entire day?"

"Come back and see how I deal with it!"

With that said, Worldly Tyrant took a step forward, drew the spear on his back, and held it in his hand.

He looked at Fan Jia'er with disdain.

Grade S talent, that's all you can do?

He heard that she lost to a Grade B talent in the combat test?

She was really not worth his time.

"Only Legion is worthy of being my match!"

Worldly Tyrant's battle intent soared as he charged towards the Multiple-legged Octopus.

He wanted to end this quickly.

Let these weaklings have an eye-opener.

There was a huge gap between a Grade S talent and a Grade SS talent!