The Most Terrifying Existence in the Trial Continent!

Jack marveled at the power of the ancient existence.

But at the same time, he was sighing with emotion for the Path of Trial Mystic Realm.

Water without a source would not last long.

As time passed, the ability of the trial sprite was also slowly declining.

A flaw had also appeared in its meticulous Defense, causing the Evil God to take the opportunity to break in!

If these Evil God's evil thoughts were allowed to continue to grow, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The trial Mystic Realm sprite had no time to care about this. Most of its strength was used to maintain the stability of the dungeon.

"As long as I kill these monsters and Boss, it'll be fine, right?"

Jack played with a hexagonal cube and smiled.

"Anyway, that was my plan all along!"

Since he had figured out what's going on, Jack intended to give his all!

Those who took the initiative to attack were unstoppable. Kill everything in sight!

The storage of evil thoughts was also slowly increasing.

0.38%… 0.49%… 0.67%…

In less than an hour, Jack had collected 15% of the evil thoughts!

"That's strange. It's been two hours. Why haven't I seen a single Federation genius?"

"Could they have already been eliminated?"

In such an environment, Jack would not be surprised even if the genius team of the Federation had been wiped out.

The current trial Mystic Realm was not a place for Grade S Grade SS children.

"How can this be a battle that we can participate in!"

In a certain cave, the seven-man team was all riddled with wounds. It was not easy for them to have a chance to heal them.

In the past two hours, the seven of them had exerted all their strength in order to survive.

There was a faint green glow on Worldly Tyrant's body as his wounds healed rapidly.

His equipment had already suffered heavy losses in the previous battle. In a life and death battle, he almost lost his life.

Fortunately, everyone's coordination was getting better and better. Even though they were in a perilous situation, they still managed to survive.

After the treatment, he said in a deep voice:

"Let's summarize the results!"

"In the past two hours, we killed a total of 23 monsters and seriously injured one Boss.

We collected information on 72 monsters and 7 Bosses! "

"This is an achievement to be proud of. Even Legion may not be able to do so!"

Worldly Tyrant was stable and favorable, and his words carried the unique charm of boosting everyone's morale.

Of course, if these words were not spoken in the cave, it would be perfect.

Inside the cave, the stench of the bear's den was a constant reminder to these chosen ones of their predicament.

The seven-man team didn't have much information.

Some of the rules concluded by observation:

The mutated monsters would kill each other and devour each other to create stronger monsters!

In the previous battles, the team had almost been wiped out several times.

Life and death only took a moment.

Their opponent might have been devoured by a passing Boss and they were saved.

"Who do you think is the strongest Boss we've met?"

Everyone started discussing.

"Three-headed Cerberus!"

"Splitting monsters can't all be killed. Their attack power is so high that we can't even see their health bars!"

"That huge egg that swallowed some!"


Each monster left an indelible impression on the seven of them.

They were all restricted to Level 50.

The Bosses outside were also Level 50.

However, the Boss' attributes were already comparable to Level 300.

Even a well-trained Second Grade Guardian was no match for them!

In the corner, Fan Jia'er, who had been silently helping with the healing, suddenly spoke.

"What do you think of Spectral Soul?"

The seven of them instantly quietened down!


Tiantian placed her index finger in front of her mouth and warned her sternly.

"The power of the Evil Gods exceeds your imagination. Don't look directly at God and don't speak the name of God!"

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

An Evil God was a God as well!

One must have respect for God and do not blaspheme easily!

Spectral Soul.

These two simple words gave the seven of them goosebumps.

Fan Jia'er gulped and asked timidly.

"Then… can I use 'It' to refer to it?"

Everyone looked at each other and tacitly agreed to this nickname.

In the following conversation, 'It' specifically referred to Spectral Soul!

As the captain, Worldly Tyrant spoke first. His voice trembled as if he was recalling something terrifying.

"'It' is the most terrifying existence in the trial continent. I have seen a Boss die immediately after passing by it. There is not even a corpse left behind!"

When the Boss passed by, it stepped on a Troll.

Before that, this Troll had nearly wiped out the seven-man team!

When Worldly Tyrant finished recalling, his body was still trembling slightly. He took a deep breath but was still unable to calm his emotions.

Tiantian continued.

"'Its' main body is actually a pure gold heavy-armored Shield Envoy Warrior. 'It' is usually equipped with two large shields!

"However, I think that it should be a carrier. If I didn't use my talent to keep the team hidden, it would have discovered us long ago!"

At this point, the other six people looked at Tiantian with gratitude.

Thank you, Sister Tiantian, for keeping them from being discovered by the Spectral Soul!

Thank you~~~