Ancient God King! Archangel! Master of the World!

As Paul finished speaking…

In a split second, the crystal in Paul's hand glowed.

At that moment, Paul's consciousness seemed to pass through to the space at the boundary of the universe. The Magic Crystal Cube transmitted his words and image to the space-times in all the parallel universes.

In an instant, all the powerful beings in the Infinite World could sense Paul.

In the High Heavens.

An archangel with 24 wings raised his head to look at the sky, his eyes filled with shock.

He knelt down on one knee and placed his hands over his chest as he replied respectfully, "My Supreme God, your loyal subject awaits your summon!"

Following the kneeling of this twenty-four-winged angel, the entire High Heavens shook.

Many angels looked at this scene in a daze. This was because they had never imagined that the God King in their hearts would actually kneel on one knee to a phantom in the sky,

and refer to himself as a subject.

This was something they had never imagined.

One had to understand that their God King was the first ray of light in this world.

What on earth was that thing that actually existed even before him? This completely overturned their beliefs.

This scene was not only happening in the High Heavens.

In the various parallel universes, the guardians of the Magic Crystal Cube Transmigration Tokens, all received Paul's message.

The Magic Crystal Cube Transmigration Token was similar to having humans who should have died, sign an agreement with the Magic Crystal Cube.

As long as the agreement was fulfilled, they would be sent to various parallel universes.

Thus, their lives were granted to them by the Magic Crystal Cube.

In other words, their lives were all controlled by the Magic Crystal Cube.

Whether it was their souls or wills, they all belonged to the Magic Crystal Cube. At this moment, the main authority of the Magic Crystal Cube lay in Paul's hands.

As such, Paul was their most important God.

Paul controlled their lives and souls.

So where were all these transmigrators? Some had transmigrated to become angels, some had transmigrated to become mages, and some had even become part of the Dragon Tribe.

No matter what species they had transmigrated to become or what achievements they had achieved,

they would always be Paul's private property.

In other words, all of them were Paul's servants and would not dare to show any disrespect.

Moreover, the time flow in the parallel universes that they had transmigrated to, was different from the main world that Paul was in.

Time flowed at a different speed for each of them.

For some of them, it had clearly only been a year since they transmigrated, but they might have already spent hundreds of millions or even billions of years in that parallel universe.

As a result, some of them had even become the rulers of a certain world, or even directly becoming a God King who created legends, an ancient existence that controlled everything.

"Where are the transmigrators from the Earth Mother Planet!"

As Paul's voice rang out, many transmigrators who had become the kings of the parallel universes looked up at the figure in the sky that seemed to be made up of stars.

It was the image of Paul that they saw, filled with mystery and overwhelming power.

"My God, your loyal servant awaits your summon!"

At this moment, be it the Archangel of the High Heavens or the ruler of a certain world, all of them were looking respectfully at the Paul that had been transmogrified from the starry sky.

Paul's voice seemed to travel across the many parallel worlds in the Infinite World. At the same time, it met the eyes of countless transmigrators and worlds.

Looking at the numerous transmigrators who were bowing respectfully, Paul's voice rang out, "The Earth Mother Planet is currently being invaded by the Void. Right now, the Earth Mother Planet officially needs your help. Otherwise, Mankind will become extinct!"

The numerous transmigrators were all stunned by Paul's words, albeit some of them having been in their parallel worlds for billions of years.

Some transmigrators had even turned into another species, but their hearts could always sense that they were members of the Earth Mother Planet.

The Earth Mother Planet's mark was deeply imprinted in their bodies.

In the Infinite World, one of the God Kings who had founded a Mythical Era angrily emitted a divine punishment in fury. A bolt of heavenly lightning struck down as thunder rumbled, instantly wiping out a nation that disrespected Gods.

However, this did not dissipate his anger.

"Mere Void monsters actually dare to invade my Mother Planet!"

The God King was enraged. That was his Mother Planet, his homeland!

How could he possibly remain calm after hearing that his Mother Planet was about to be destroyed by invaders?

"Great Father God, please calm down!"

Numerous voices rang out. In the vast Divine Court, many Gods who had created the world, knelt on the ground.

They were begging the greatest God in this world to quell his anger.

They did not understand why their Father God was so angry!

'Also, what's that Mother Planet that the honourable Father God mentioned?!'

'Is there a world even older than the Divine Court?!'

This was simply unimaginable.

One had to know that the honourable Father God was the first Father of Gods to found the mythical era in this world!

'He actually came from another Mother Planet. Can it be that in actuality, that place is the true origin of Gods?!'

At the same time, be it the God King who had existed in the world since ancient times, or the Archangel of the High Heaven, or the legendary Supreme Mage, all of them were furious when they heard that their Mother Planet was being invaded.

Seeing the reactions of the transmigrators, Paul nodded.

In actuality, Paul knew that they had been influenced by the Magic Crystal Cube Transmigration Token.

First of all, the old scientist had said that a transmigrator, who had been selected by the Magic Crystal Cube, must be someone with a sense of responsibility.

Therefore, when they heard that the Earth Mother Planet was in peril, they would feel angry and uneasy.

However, the most important thing was that when they transmigrated, the transmigration token had left a mark on their souls.

Their wills would not go against the arrangements of the Magic Crystal Cube Transmigration Token and they would unconditionally obey the controller of the main Magic Crystal Cube, which in this case, was Paul's order.

In fact, not to mention disobeying, they would not even have the slightest doubt about Paul's orders due to the modifications that the crystal had done to their souls. This was due to the control over their root nature.

They did not even know that they were being controlled.

They would only think that whatever thoughts they had were a result of their own decisions, and would not suspect anything.

"All of you transmigrators from Earth, our Earth Mother Planet is currently being destroyed!"

"In order to protect our Mother Planet, I'm summoning back all transmigrators to protect our Earth Mother Planet and fight against the Void!"

"Everyone, fight for the Mother Planet! Fight for me!"