Steve's Ability, New York in Danger!

"Am I seeing things? Oh my God, is this Superman?"

"Is he filming a Hollywood movie? How can something like that happen in real life!"

"Special effects. It must be special effects!"

While these videos were being shared on social media platforms, it had already sparked a huge discussion.

However, Steve was nonchalant about it.

Right now, he was acting on the instructions of the Master God of Space-time and had arrived on the Mother Planet to carry out his mission.

The most important thing was to exterminate the Void monsters. At this point in time, people still did not know much about supernatural things.

It was not a bad thing for them to come into contact with some of these things ahead of time so that they could be mentally prepared.

Hence, Steve allowed them to take pictures.

Everyone present thought that Steve was filming a movie the moment they saw him because Steve's image was too much like science fiction.

On his upper body was a pitch-black armored vest of completely unknown material that seemed to absorb sunlight and did not reflect any light at all.

He had a monocle hanging on his ear, which looked like some kind of technology sensor. A few lines of data flashed across the transparent lens from time to time.

The bulging muscles on his arms perfectly fit their imagination of what an action star should be like.

However, when they looked around, they did not notice any cameras or safety wires.

This astonished them.

In an instant, countless people tried to strike up a conversation with him, wanting to ask him which special-effect action movie he was a star of.

Seeing that more and more people were gathering around, Steve's brows knitted together slightly.

Just then, a beeping sound rang out from his monocle. Steve's expression changed at that sound.

His monocle was a high-tech monocle produced in the parallel future world that could detect energy values. When there was an energy value beyond the set alert level, an alarm would be set off.

Steve knew that at the moment, no one on Earth could exceed the threshold of his detector, so there was only one possibility.

At the same time, the voice of the Master God of Space-time suddenly rang out in his heart,

"Steve Rogers, a Void monster has appeared one kilometer away from you. Go and get rid of it!"

Steve understood. Instantly, his eyes hardened.

He looked to his left. Not far away, the flames of war were already rising from all sides and there were panic-stricken people running over from that direction.

Right now, the people over here still did not know what had happened.

However, Steve knew that that was where the terrifying Void monster was causing trouble.

So, Steve didn't hesitate. He bent down in a half squat and mobilised all the muscles in his body, activating the energy in his body in an orderly fashion like a precision instrument.

The people around Steve still didn't know why he was in that position.

However, the next moment…

They were gobsmacked.

At that moment, Steve leapt out from the crowd right in front of them and jumped high above their heads, crossing a distance of one hundred meters in one leap.

The expression of the people, who were watching Steve just now, were all one of shock.

They were in utter disbelief that everything that had appeared before their eyes was not a result of special effects, but a completely genuine scene.

It was hard for them to accept that something like this was happening right before their eyes.

"Superman really exists in this world!"

"Oh my god, even movies can't be shot like that! It goes far beyond common sense!"

"So, there have always been superhumans like that around us! Has the government been hiding this information?"

"God, is this an emissary sent to guide mankind!!"

Steve couldn't care less about the shock of the people around him, because his mind was now filled with thoughts of eliminating the Void monster and saving the Mother Planet.

The reason being that all of this was a command by the Master God of Space-time.

In any case, the humans on the Mother Planet would eventually discover the fact that the Void was invading them. The earlier they came into contact with it, the earlier they could communicate properly with the government.

Followed by the explosion of Steve's bodily functions, his current speed was no less than a speeding car. All the passers-by only felt a gust of wind.

When they came back to their senses, they could only catch a glimpse of a figure zooming past them.

Steve's body had undergone high-intensity modifications, such that his internal organs and skin could withstand extremely high pressure.

Even at such a high speed, his body would not be affected at all. Instead, this speed was extremely relaxing for Steve.

In the parallel world of the future, he had once raced against a speeding train and caught up to it, before killing a dozen or so armed robbers on the train.

As Steve passed the traffic light intersection, he overtook several other drivers who were driving their cars.

The New York drivers were deeply shocked when they saw Steve flying past like a phantom.

"Am I seeing things?!"

"That person actually exceeded the speed of a car!"

"Could it be a VR special effect?!"

"No! I don't believe it. This must be magic!"

Everyone was amazed at Steve's speed and completely forgot about what they were doing. They were all rooted to the spot.

At the same time, on the street….

At present, the street was already drenched in blood and severed limbs were strewn all over the ground.

Numerous cars had collided and the pedestrians were fleeing in fear.

They dared not turn around to look at the hellish scene behind them.

In the middle of the chaos, there was a monster that was completely wrapped in flesh and blood. Its mouth was filled with shark-like sharp teeth that were currently gnawing on a human's thigh and eating it heartily.

Pitch-black blood flowed from its body in an endless stream, leaving corrosive traces on the ground.

It was quite clear that not only did it have terrifying sharp teeth, but its blood also possessed an extremely terrifying corrosive ability.

The appearance of the monster threw the bustling street of the Queens Borough into complete chaos.

In the sky, a military helicopter was hovering above the monster's head, sending its image to the White House in real-time.

Many American generals were gathered in the White House at present. Their brows furrowed deeply as they watched this scene.

"Everyone, this is a disaster that our country is currently facing!"

the President seated in the main seat spoke. At that moment, the scene of the Void monster roaring towards the sky was showing on the projector.

Previously, they had sent police officers to suppress the monster, but the weapons they were equipped with did not cause any damage to the monster at all.

On the contrary, they were nearly wiped out.

If they were to mobilise the army, it would be too late.

Instantly, the eyebrows of all the leaders in the White House furrowed.