Steve Roger's Body Is an Armory!!


With a roar, the ground exploded.


The sound waves emitted by the Void monster soundwave caused ripples in the surrounding air. All the cars around it were sent flying due to the force.

Immediately, smoke and dust flew everywhere. Those people who were hiding behind the car and filming, fled in all directions.

Although they had escaped, their cell phones were still held high up in the air. Some of these people taking pictures worked even harder than the official reporters!

Hence, everyone on the Internet could still see the videos.

However, they were all stunned by the contents of the video.

They could not believe what they were seeing.

They felt that the physics and science that they had been learning since they were young, were all bullshit.

The monster in the images could not be explained by science.

It completely overthrew everything they believed in.

If not for the fact that the official channels were still broadcasting these images,

they would definitely think that this was a prank by some special-effects movie company.

Paul, who was watching the scene in his apartment, knew how powerful this monster was.

Three years later, such monsters would arrive on Earth as the vanguard of the Void.

Back then, Mankind had named such monsters the 'Skull Eater'.

This was because it would mercilessly rip apart every living creature they saw, and even cruelly used their teeth to bite off the heads of the humans, hence giving rise to Z.

Steve looked at the disgusting monster with a solemn expression.

He had used almost all his strength in that punch just now. However, this monster did not suffer any fatal damage. Instead, it became even more violent.

"Is this the Void creature that the Master God of Space-time mentioned? Indeed, it can't be understood with common sense!"

Steve patted the dirt off his fist. He had punched so hard just now that his fist was stained with the monster's bodily fluids.

However, this strong corrosive fluid could not erode Steve's skin.

This was because his skin had also been modified. The superb resilience and density of his skin could not be corroded even with strong acids.

Thus, even if it was the bodily fluids of this monster, Steve couldn't care less.


Accompanied by the Skull Eater's roar, the Void monster in the ruins turned into a streak of bloody light and shot out in the blink of an eye. The strong smell of blood filled the entire place

A terrifying force exploded in the air. Then, in the blink of an eye, it dashed in front of Steve and raised its sharp claws high in the air.

There was no doubt that as long as one was struck by its sharp claws, even ultra-strong steel would be ripped into pieces.

But how could Steve possibly get struck by its sharp claws? In Steve's eyes, the speed of this Void monster was pitifully slow.

Right now in Steve's eyes, the Void monster's running speed, every movement of its joints and even the next move it might make - They were all accurately predicted by him because the retina in his eyes had been replaced and was even specially equipped with a retinal nervous system.

Steve's eyes could even observe the frequency at which bees' wings vibrated. He could even count the number of times that bees flapped their wings while flying.

So, even though the current speed of the Skull Eater was comparable to the speed of a moving train, Steve could still see everything very clearly.

The moment the Skull Eater's sharp claws raised up high in the air, Steve had already slipped behind it, dodging the Skull Eater's sharp claws.

However, Steve was not going to let it off so easily.

Steve grabbed his left wrist with his right hand and twisted it lightly.

In a split second, he had removed his left hand.

On his left wrist was a black hole that was aimed at the back of the Skull Eater's head.

The particles in the air converged around his wrist.

Inside his wrist, the walls were wrapped in layers of alloy and there was a faint flame emitting from it.

The Skull Eater reacted instantly and wanted to bite Steve.

However, it was too late. The particles at Steve's wrist had converged till they were visible to the naked eye.

Then, the instant the Skull Eater turned its head around, Steve's amassed energy blasted out.


A powerful shockwave swept across the entire place. In an instant, the entire place was filled with dust and smoke.

At the same time, a sound wave spread out from the battlefield.

The glass of the building closest to them shattered.

The people who were filming whilst hiding far away, were all hit by the shockwave.

Instantly, they covered their ears in pain.

The sound waves were transmitted into their brains through their ears in an endless stream.

It made their eardrums buzz.

They felt like they were going to faint.

Their cell phone signals were also all cut off.

Even the government helicopter in the sky was slightly shaken by the shockwave.

However, their HD video cameras still managed to record the entire scene.

As a result, the audience could clearly see what was happening through the official live broadcast.

"Oh my god! This is even more realistic than a Hollywood movie!"

"This is really happening in the real world! Right now. In the capital of the world, New York. Oh my god, I can't believe my eyes. What on earth have I just seen!"

"Can someone tell me what's going on? Why did the whole world change after I woke up? Is it that there are two aliens fighting?!"

"Is that terrifying monster dead yet?! Oh my God, that's so scary. It's like a creature from hell. I nearly peed my pants in fright!"

"Did that man just remove his hand? Is his body an armory? That's so cool!"

When the audience saw Steve hit the Skull Eater in the head, they all wanted to know what was happening at the scene.

As the smoke slowly dissipated, the live broadcast audience got a clear look at the scene.

They then saw that the terrible monster was now lying at Steve's feet. Its head had disappeared without a trace and even its blood seemed to have evaporated.

However, the most terrifying thing was that Steve's particle cannon had blasted a bottomless hole in the ground below the monster's head.

It was as if it had directly blasted into the depths of Earth. That terrifying power involuntarily sent chills down everyone's spine!

Meanwhile, in the United States White House, the President of America and the many generals were all dumbfounded and rooted to the ground.