Entire World on Guard, America Prepared for War!

After the American White House press conference, it was obvious that the atmosphere in the country and even the entire world had become very tense.

Everyone was anxious about the uncertainty of the future.

After Steve told the American president that there were three days left for the invasion of the void creatures.

The President immediately shared this piece of news with the rest of the country's leaders via a video conference.

As a result, tanks and military vehicles could be seen rumbling across the streets of every city. There were also fighter jets and military helicopters flying in the sky.

Furthermore, bomb shelters were also being prepared for the war. The country was also calling for citizens to enter the bomb shelters.

At this moment, the entire world was in a state of vigilance. Every city had an army.

This was the best solution that the country could come up with. After all, they did not know where the Void monsters would arrive. Hence, they could only equip every city with an army.

All of this was to minimize the civilian casualties.

"Activate the National level-two alert. Cut off all traffic in the country and close the national gates within the day!"

"All major military districts have to prepare for war. Aim to have every city guarded by an army of more than one battalion."

"Everyone, this is war now. This time, we're the ones being invaded. In order to protect the citizens of our country, we hope that our warriors will do their best to protect our homeland."

"Everyone, there's no need to panic. We have the protection of the Master God of Space-time. As long as you listen to the country's orders and don't panic, the government will ensure your safety!"

At this moment, in the White House of America, the President, who was in front of a camera, ended the recording.

There were already some people outside who were panicking. After all, everything had happened too quickly. These citizens were completely unprepared and were forced to accept all of these immediately.

However, there was no other choice as the enemy would not give you time to think.

Right now, they could only do their best and get everything prepared, before leaving it to fate.

However, Mankind wasn't completely out of hope. They still had the transmigrators on their side.

Currently, the entire world was paying attention to what America was doing as they knew that the Void monsters would arrive on America's territory.

Thus, they wanted to see how America handled the situation, so that they could learn from them.

Many countries were shocked to see that America could still mobilize their troops in such an orderly manner.

At the same time, the United States once again demonstrated its formidable strength.

Standing on the street, Paul looked at the soldiers marching on the streets and nodded.

Although America was not perfect in many aspects, it was not surprising that America stood at the top of the world when it came to military strength.

Paul got a copy of the newspapers along the street. From the papers, he could see that the various countries were now on guard.

However, there were still some countries with conspiracy theories that the United States was merely putting on a show.

These conspiracy theories even proposed that America was just preparing for their next invasion. Hence, they made use of this show to mobilize their troops so as to invade other countries.

As for the Void monsters and transmigrators, they were just something pre-recorded by the Americans.

Many people on the Internet supported this conspiracy theory.

However, any smart person would know that America would never joke about such a major issue.

As a result, countless leaders from other countries were paying attention to the United States.

The entire world's spotlight was on America. They wanted to see if what America said was true.

The owner of the newsstand was an old man who seemed to be quite talkative.

When he saw Paul reading the newspaper intensely, he said, "The situation in the country right now doesn't seem optimistic! There are fewer pedestrians on the streets now. It's all the fault of this damn government for spreading rumors everywhere!"

Paul looked at him in surprise. He didn't expect that there would still be someone in America who didn't believe in the Void invasion.

Seeing that Paul was looking at him, the boss of the newsstand became even more enthusiastic.

"Other things aside, I have exclusive insider information. The Void invasion that happened on Queens Boulevard was actually a self-directed play put on by our government."

"In actuality, it's because the government was conducting a secret experiment along that street that caused an explosion and killed many people. In order to hide the cause of this incident, the government made up the story of the Void invasion so as to cover up their crimes!"

Paul was flabbergasted as he watched the man relate the story like it was true.

Never had he thought that people could have such a rich imagination. There were indeed conspiracy theorist patients everywhere. For example, in today's 21st century, there were still people advocating the flat Earth model.

He wondered what these people were thinking.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Just then, the scattered map icon of the Magic Crystal Cube in Paul's palm glowed faintly.

This was a function of the Magic Crystal Cube. When a transmigrator arrived, it would emit a faint glow to notify Paul.

"They're here. Not just the transmigrators, even the Void creatures have arrived!" Paul muttered to himself. He could feel that when the transmigrators entered the Earth space barrier, there was another terrifying energy that was getting restless.

Traces of evil energy leaked out, causing Earth's space-time barrier to crack at the speed of light.

Furthermore, Paul could sense that the number of void creatures this time was even greater than the previous time.

Paul flinched slightly before sharing this information with Steve through the mark on his hand.

He instructed Steve to get the government to be prepared and evacuate the civilians as soon as possible.

After issuing the order, Paul saw that the newsstand owner was still blabbering. Paul said to him, "Hurry up and pack up. Go and take shelter from the calamity. The Void invasion has begun!"

The newsstand owner looked at Paul in surprise. He didn't expect everything he said to this young man to fall on deaf ears.

True enough, young people nowadays have been brainwashed by the government.

Paul didn't care what the newspaper owner thought. Using the power of the Magic Crystal Cube, he instantly opened a teleportation portal and returned home.

However, just as the newsstand owner was about to dismiss Paul's words, he suddenly saw Paul what Paul was doing and froze to the spot.

His jaw fell to the ground, unable to believe what he was seeing.

Then, Paul disappeared into the portal, leaving the newsstand owner alone in the wind.