The Fifth Transmigrator, Heaven's Punishment!

"I didn't expect that an existence close to the level of a God King would descend just like that!"

Paul couldn't help but sigh. However, this was also very normal. Even though it was said that the stronger the world, the longer it would take for the transmigrator to return to Earth, there were still exceptions. This was because the Infinite World was constantly moving. Perhaps when this transmigrator returned, the barrier between Earth and the world he was in had been thinner.

Thus, he had returned a little earlier. However, since this transmigrator had returned, it meant that the Void creature that was about to descend via the rift was definitely not weak.

Recently, Paul had discovered through his study on the Magic Crystal that as transmigrators descended on Earth, Earth's spatial barrier would become slightly thinner.

The Void creatures would take advantage of this period of weakness to enter the rift and descend on Earth.

Hence, now that there was a God King, it meant that when void creatures descended, they would be no weaker than God Kings. They might even be stronger.

After all, the Void was divided into different grades as well. The Void creatures that had appeared so far were not true residents of the Void.

"Is this the body of a God King?"

At the same time, Paul also synchronised with the power of the God King. Formidable and abundant power flowed all around Paul's entire body.

The blood in his body felt like mercury to him and he could even hear the sound of blood flowing.

In that instant, an endless stream of powers appeared in Paul's mind and numerous lightning flashes kept circling in his mind.

At this time, Paul's strength was terrifying. He had already absorbed the strength of Steve, Banner, and the other transmigrators. As such, he had many abilities overall.

As Paul speculated about the impending arrival of the Void creature, he felt slightly worried.

"This is not going to be easy. I wonder how powerful the Void creature descending in Washington is."

"If the transmigrators who descended are still no match for him, I'll have to take action as well. That way, I should be able to deal with this current crisis!" Paul mumbled to himself as he fixed his gaze on Washington.

Right now, an extremely evil and powerful aura was slowly coming through from the spatial rift.

A spatial rift that resembled a black hole opened above Washington.

The terrifying and nauseating aura swept across the world like a typhoon. In an instant, all the humans on Earth felt the aura that seemed to be from hell.

Looking up in the direction where Washington was, they felt as if that place had suddenly been enveloped in a haze that could destroy the world.


In Los Angeles, Banner slammed the Devourer to the ground and hauled it up again. Under the eruption of his powerful brute force, even the strong body of the Void creature was torn in half.

At the same time, on the streets of Detroit, a pale vampire in a black robe sucked the Void creature dry, turning it into a corpse.

Houston, on the other hand, had a werewolf from a fantasy world. He simply ripped apart the rampaging Void creature in the city.

"What is this?!"

But at that moment, a terrifying aura came from Washington. Even from this distance, they could clearly feel it.

For a moment, Banner and the others turned pale and had petrified expressions on their faces.

The reason being that even people as strong as them felt as weak as ants in the face of this aura.

"Could it be that this type of aura is going to descend on Earth?!"

"There's a kind of evil about it, but it's not as disgusting as the Void creatures. Could it be a transmigrator descending?"

"That's not right! This aura is filled with evil resentment, that's like an amalgamation of hatred. Could this be a supreme existence among the Void creatures?"

These three transmigrators were right.

The terrifying Void creatures hovered above Washington for a moment before two figures slowly stepped out.

The two of them had the characteristics of humans, but they were not humans at all. They had purple skin and silver-white hair. Their mouths had mouthparts filled with sinister tentacles like those of insects.

Furthermore, there was an evil aura emanating from their bodies, which spread across the entire world.

At this moment, everyone around the world saw this scene through the satellite signals.

They were all disgusted by this type of creature that completely turned human aesthetic standards upside down.

However, the two Void creatures emitted a powerful evil aura.

This aura seemed to be able to stir up the deepest fear in one's heart, making one involuntarily feel frightened.

The moment these two people appeared, their terrifying strength shocked Paul.

"Two God Kings!"

That's right, Paul could clearly sense that this was the aura of God Kings! At that moment, Paul felt a pressure as if the world was collapsing on them.

"Very terrifying. These two Void creatures are enough to slaughter all living beings on Earth!"

"Without fail. However, the God Kings of the transmigrators have yet to descend. In that case, I have no choice but to fill the gap myself!" Paul muttered to himself. Never had he expected this to happen in such a short span of time. There was still almost three years till the complete invasion of the Void!

This was just the beginning, yet Void creatures of the same grade as a God King had already descended.

Although it was a little unexpected, it was also enough to prove that there might be a human-like society at the other end of the Void.

They would also have an organization, or even a country.

Through the Void Crystal, Paul saw two figures standing in the air above Washington. They seemed to have come from hell to destroy the world.

"Is this Earth? Sure enough, the living beings on it are all delicious livestock. I can't help but want to enjoy the delicate flesh on their bodies!" one of the two Void creatures with a more female-like body, muttered in their special language.

"That's right. Our race has been starving for 30,000 years. The last time we devoured a complete planet was eons ago!"

The two Void creatures were extremely excited. However, just then, something unexpected happened.


Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled in the sky. Then, with a cracking sound, a giant spatial rift appeared.

From within the rift, bolts of lightning that seemed capable of tearing the sky apart appeared at the edge of the rift.

A terrifying aura instantly spread in all directions, as if Heaven's punishment had descended!