The God of Thunder Turns the Tide and Crushes the Void Creatures!

At this moment, in the sky above Washington…

Under everyone's gaze, one of the Void Intruders suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed the other Void creature alive.

This scene was broadcasted through the Magic Crystal and instantly reached the eyes of everyone on Earth.

"This is fantastic! Could it be that these two Void invaders are fighting among themselves?!"

The President of the United States, who was in the White House in Washington, was elated.

Although the scene was a little disgusting, it made everyone on Earth feel that there was hope for Earth.

To think that these Insectoid Race beings would actually kill each other at such a critical juncture!

This was great news for Earth.

However, just then, Steve's expression changed to one that was extremely grave.

The President of the United States was stunned when he saw Steve's expression.

"What's wrong, Mr. Steve? This is a great thing for Earth!"

However, Steve remained silent after hearing what the President said.

This was because he could see from his energy detector that the energy of the remaining Void invader in the sky was rising non-stop, and even slightly surpassed that of Thor's.

Needless to say, Paul noticed this as well, but his expression remained calm.

Even though he could sense through the Magic Crystal that the invader's terrifying energy was rising, he was more confident in Thor's strength. He believed that this future King from Asgard would definitely give him confidence.


At that moment, a powerful energy suddenly erupted from the remaining invader.

In an instant, this terrifying energy stirred up the air between Heaven and Earth. The energy of the Void invader even blasted a huge hole in the dark clouds in the sky.

Moreover, the surging energy in its body caused the wind all around to howl. The raging energy caused the surrounding tall buildings to shake violently.


At that moment, the Void Intruder was also gradually changing alongside the energy surge.

Not only did it grow another pair of sinister arms around its waist, but the head of the void invader it had swallowed also appeared in its stomach.

A pair of transparent cicada wings grew on its back, and a huge cocoon grew in the direction of its genitals. Moreover, the layers of folds on the cocoon were squirming.

This disgusting scene made many of the residents on Earth feel so disgusted that they felt like vomiting and their stomachs were churning.

"Are you done? You've made me wait too long!"

Right now, Thor was not putting an end to the transformation of this Insectoid-race being. Instead, he watched with great interest as the amalgamation of the Void Invader ended.

To him, he couldn't care less about any enemy. This was his pride as a God.

"Hehe, next up, I'm going to make you our feast. The flesh of a God King must be very delicious! Hahaha!"

The Void invader's laughter was ear-piercing and completely beyond what humans could tolerate. Yet, it was but a gentle breeze for Thor.


The figure of the Void invader turned into a blur in the air. It appeared beside Thor in the blink of an eye in the air and abruptly flung a punch at him.

Its punch emitted a violent sonic boom in the air. The speed of its punch was so fast that it could not be seen by the human eye.

Thor's eyebrows knitted together slightly, but he did not take the Void creature's attack seriously. The next moment, he caught the Void invader's fist with one hand.

Then, he swung his hammer fiercely, and the power that erupted from his thick muscles was transmitted to the hammer. In the ears of everyone watching the scene, even the air was being forced to produce a humming sound.


Under everyone's astonished gazes, the hammer did not hit the Void invader. Instead, it was directly fended off with the Void invader's hand.

At that moment, Thor frowned slightly as he felt a little surprised.


The invader from the Void Insectoid Race laughed ominously. Its other two arms shot out and instantly struck Thor's armor.


In an instant, the audience could see that Thor was sent flying by this attack.

His body flew backwards with a bang, passing through countless skyscrapers along the way and even forming a ravine that extended more than ten kilometers.

At the end of the ravine, Thor's body crash landed inside.

Numerous people on Earth were shocked when they saw this scene through the Void Crystal.

Is this really the power of a human or rather, a living being?

To think that his physical body could be strong to this extent. An ordinary human would have already died more than ten thousand times.

Furthermore, when they saw that even the God of Thunder was sent flying by a punch from the Void invader, despair immediately filled their hearts.

Even such a powerful God was sent flying with a single punch. Moreover, they did not know if his life was in any danger. They dared not imagine that if even the God of Thunder could not stop this Void invader, then who else could?

However, just as everyone on Earth was worried, a bolt of thunder descended from the sky at the end of the ravine.

In an instant, everyone saw Thor, who had fallen into the ravine, slowly rise up like a God of War that was bathed in lightning.

His eyes were filled with lightning that replaced his original black and white pupils.

It was as if his body was enveloped in numerous bolts of lightning that shot out a long distance.

When he rose up to the sky, the terrifying aura on his body made the dark clouds in the sky rumble with thunder.

For some reason, the people on Earth could now feel the anger of Thor from the thunderbolt, and the hot blood surging in their hearts occupied the hearts of many people on Earth.

"How dare you offend the Gods! Very well, you've successfully angered me!"

A voice that sounded like it came from the Heavens came out of Thor's mouth, and the energy around his body exploded. Under the terrifying energy explosion, it made everyone on Earth sense an oppressive atmosphere simultaneously.