The Battlefield of Two, Earth Collapses!

Thor had a grave expression on his face as he could truly feel how powerful this creature was now that he was standing in front of it.

Right now, Thor felt true despair.

However, when he saw the many San Francisco citizens fleeing behind him, Thor bit down on his lip as he knew that he could not back down now.

If he were to retreat, millions of people in San Francisco and even the whole of America, would be destroyed because of him.

"Thor, hang in there, we're coming!"

In Thor's ear was a hidden earpiece. After all, before becoming even stronger, there was still no way to transmit voices just like that.

The voice coming from the earpiece was Steve's.

"No! Don't come over!"

"This guy is too powerful. We are totally no match for him!" Thor said. With Steve's strength, if they came here now, they would only be courting death.

This was the gap between a God and a Mortal. It was a gulf that could not be crossed.

Even in Asgard, this creature in front of him would be an elite that required an entire race to take it on. It was not a battle that Steve and the others could intervene in at their level .

Steve and the others wanted to continue, but Thor cut them off,

"Evacuate the masses. Evacuate everyone in San Francisco and the surrounding cities!"

"Leave this battle to me!" Thor said grimly.

His gaze was resolute. One had to know that he was someone who had died. It was the Master God of Space-time who had given him a new life.

He had been reborn as the God of Thunder and lived for thousands of years.

He was already very lucky, so he could not retreat in this battle.

The Master God of Space-time had given him the mission to protect the Mother Planet. In that case, he could not back down now.

Only by dying in battle could he express his respect for the Master God of Space-time.

"Everyone! If I'm unable to return from this battle, it will be up to the rest of you to complete the mission assigned by the Master God of Space-time!" Thor said in a low voice. Then, a great deal of lighting surged all around him. Dark clouds filled the sky, completely covering it.

Lightning and thunder erupted in the sky and then gathered on Thor's body.

Thor was at his peak right now. All the power of lightning and thunder enveloped his entire body, making him seem like a giant full of lightning.

"Thor!" Steve shouted, but Thor shattered his earpiece with thunder.

"I'm the strongest transmigrator on Earth right now. If I don't take him on, who will?!" Thor muttered to himself. Then, he roared towards the sky,

"Beast from the void, let's fight to the death!"

With a roar, Thor charged out and reached the Void Demon in a split second.


Amidst his roar, countless thunderbolts gathered on the war hammer in Thor's hand and suddenly struck the Void Demon's chest.


In that instant, the air at the point of collision suddenly exploded outwards. The terrifying shock wave sent the surrounding cars and even buildings flying and they disintegrated in the air!

The Void Demon was sent flying thousands of meters away by Thor's attack and it slammed into the San Francisco financial building.

This magnificent building was instantly penetrated by this terrifying power. The Void Demon also crashed onto the ground, forming a chasm that extended for several hundred meters.


Thor's original appearance could no longer be seen. He was completely enveloped in thunderbolts at this time, as if he was wearing armor made of thunderbolts.

His eyes seemed to be shrouded in lightning and one could not even see his pupils clearly.

After letting out a roar, he leapt up, colliding into a few buildings along the way.


The next moment, Thor landed on the ground. The terrifying impact formed a huge shock wave. A huge pit formed on the ground and the cement cracked, forming countless fissures.

Illidan collapsed in the rubble. Raising its head, it looked at Thor calmly.

There seemed to be a hint of contempt in its eyes.

The lightning in Thor's eyes flashed and he was in the air in an instant. He raised his war hammer high in his hand and a bolt of lightning descended on the war hammer. The immense power spread throughout Thor's body.

Then, Thor, who was in the sky, let out a furious war and slammed his war hammer down on Illidan.


The war hammer struck Illidan's body, pounding him deep into the ground.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The terrifying power instantly created an impact akin to an earthquake of 8.0 magnitude. The entire San Francisco and even the entire continent, shook.

The battle in San Francisco had caused an earthquake in the entire continent into a huge earthquake. Is this what a battle between Gods is like?!

"Did he succeed?"

Right now in Washington, Steve was watching the scene in San Francisco through the Magic Crystal Cube and couldn't help but feel nervous for Thor.

They did not actually get close to the Void Demon, so they weren't particularly affected by its oppression.

However, they could see how terrifying both sides were through this battle.

Needless to say, to have the God of Thunder use all his strength in the fight, the Void Demon was definitely an extremely powerful opponent.

Thor's power was already very terrifying. The explosive combat power that came from the power of a God coupled with the energy gathered from lightning and thunder, certainly made him worthy of being the strongest out of the transmigrators.

Crack! Crack!

However, just then, cracking sounds rang out from the depths of the ground.


In the blink of an eye, a dark and evil aura erupted from the ground!

The surface of the ground exploded, and countless buildings in the sky above San Francisco jumped.

With the battlefield at the centre, San Francisco began to collapse inwards and get buried under the ground.

Then, under the shroud of black aura, the collapsed ground actually started to slowly float up. A figure filled with evil aura like a Demon God, slowly floated out from the depths of the earth under this shroud of black aura.

This figure was none other than the Void Demon!


A terrifying laughter broke out from its mouth like the filthiest language in the world.

All the humans who heard this voice hugged their heads. Their heads seemed to be filled with the whispers of countless unknown creatures.

Some San Francisco citizens went crazy when they heard these voices.

"Not bad. You can be considered a talent among our Demon Race, but in front of me, you're still just an ant!"