500 Kilograms per Acre, Shattering Everyone's Common Sense

Jack glanced at everyone in front of him.

Finally, he looked at the busy slaves.

He said, "Chelman, have you ever thought about why you can't do it?"

Hearing the President's question, Chelman froze, not knowing what he meant.

However, he still braced himself and said, "It's because of the forest. There are too many tough roots."

Jack shook his head.

Chelman asked again: "Then, is it because of the people? We're not working hard enough?"

"Not really!" Jack shook his head and said.

At this moment, everyone was attracted by Jack's words.

None of them were ordinary people.

Especially the butler and the regiment commander. Their backgrounds used to be very powerful.

They were only in this state due to the downfall of their families.

They still had their knowledge.

At this moment, they suddenly felt as if their values were being challenged.

That's right, this was the current state of agriculture in this world.

This was everyone's tacit agreement.

But one day, someone told them that this was wrong!

The shock, the disbelief, and the eagerness to know the answer were written all over their faces.

The butler could not help but ask: "Mr. President, what is it?"

"It's tools," Jack said.

"Tools?" Everyone was stunned.

Jack explained: "That's right! In a place that I know of, there's a magical country. The people there can make the yield of an acre reach up to 500 kilograms. Some countries can even reach 1,500 kilograms."

Jack's words hit everyone like a hammer.

"500 kilograms?" Chelman said in disbelief, "Lord Jack, Noah Continent's highest yield is only 250 kilograms per acre. How can it possibly reach 500 kilograms?"

The butler also nodded and said, "That's right. When I was the butler of the Earl, the best black soil that the Earl had could only produce 305 kilograms of grain. This was also with the help of the most experienced farmers, the best wheat seeds, and the most thoughtful care."

Jack shook his head.

In his previous world, hunger was no longer an issue that people faced.

It has become a strategic tool for major powers to restrain certain countries.

For example, America.

America has the largest fertile land in the world.

The land was also very flat, very suitable for large-scale plantation.

After the Industrial Revolution, agriculture became America's most important industry.

Until the 21st century before his transmigration, corn, rice, wheat, and other industries in America had become the bulk of exports.

While collecting large amounts of foreign currency each year, the crops had become one of the most important tools to restrain countries!

This was also Jack's aspiration.

In particular, there was very little food production in this world.

The people on the land could not even survive, let alone the islands floating on the sea.

Once his output rose, he could rely on his abundant food reserves to continuously sell and control the other islands with poor food production abilities. This way, even if he did not take down those islands, they would not be able to leave him!

This was also a strategic move, and it would work without bloodshed!

"This output is clearly not possible now, but there are some tools that we can use to help speed up the cultivation process!" Jack said.

Then, Jack found a pen and paper and drew out the agricultural tools of the last century.

Among them were hoes, plows, serrated knives, and so on.

When it was done, Jack looked at the regiment commander: "How many blacksmiths are there now?"

The regiment commander answered: "There are fifteen blacksmiths."

"Fifteen is barely enough, gather all the blacksmiths and make the tools that I have just drawn."

"Yes Sir," the regiment commander said quickly and went down to make arrangements.

The butler looked at the blueprint and frowned. He stood up and said, "Mr. President, I'm afraid that to make this number of tools, we do not have enough raw materials."

This was something Jack had not considered clearly at the time.

After thinking for a while, Jack said, "Apart from the Silver Swordsmen, everyone's weapons are to be melted. We must hurry up and make these tools."

The butler nodded and agreed.

Soon, under the efforts of countless people, the items needed by the blacksmith were settled.

At this moment, Regiment Commander Enger and Steward Steve were standing together. They looked at the blueprint and frowned, "Steve, you are very knowledgeable. Do you know what this thing is used for?"

Steve shook his head and said, "I'm not sure. These little things are so strange. Can they really promote cultivation?"

Enger could not help but say: "However, the production quantity that the President mentioned is really something to look forward to! If we can do it, I'm afraid this will be the most important tool for us to conquer this sea!"

Steve said, "It will be difficult! Chelman is an expert and he doesn't even have the confidence to succeed. I'm afraid this matter isn't that simple!"


No one was optimistic about Jack's claim or the rush to make these tools.

If Jack was not the president, no one would care about his words.

However, the tools were quickly produced.

The regiment commander and Chelman each took a couple of tools and headed toward Jack.

"Mr. President, we have already produced the plows and hoes that you requested."

Then, the two of them showed the items to Jack.

Looking at the tools they handed him, Jack nodded. He picked one up and gave it a gentle swing. The hoe plunged into the black soil, easily breaking the roots in the ground.

Jack's move caught everyone's attention.

They were not ordinary people and naturally knew the convenience of this tool.

If it was used by ordinary people, the speed of cultivation would definitely increase by at least ten times!

"What a magical tool!" Chelman's eyes widened as he hurriedly walked to the place where Jack's hoe was being used.

All the roots of the soil where the hoe had dug up were cut off!

Chelman could not help but ask: "May I try it, Mr. President?"

Jack handed over the hoe as he said: "Of course."

Chelman, who had taken the hoe, held it in the same position Jack had been in. He smashed it into the ground, and the hoe plunged deep into the dirt.

Then, Chelman pulled the hoe hard, and soon, the soil was easily overturned.

"This?" Everyone was shocked by the scene before them.

"This is amazing. I didn't expect this tool to be so convenient!" The butler could not help but stroke his beard as he spoke.

"Gasp~" The regiment commander slammed his right hand on his left palm and said excitedly, "This is simply a magical spell!"

"That's right!" Chelman shook off the soil on the hoe excitedly. Then, he looked up and down and said with great fondness, "If we have this hoe, the speed of our own land reclamation can be at least ten times faster, if not a hundred times faster!!"

Jack said nothing more as he took out the plow.

He let Eugene hold on to the rope in front while Jack held on to the plow behind him.

As Jack gave the order, Eugene applied a little force, and the plow plowed a deep ravine in the black soil.

Within moments, half an acre was turned over by Jack and Eugene.

This terrifying efficiency shocked everyone!
