Executing the Plan and Beginning Distribution

Jack had no intention of allowing Steve to ease through this period of doubt smoothly.

After all, Steve was old.

In addition, his previous and current status were both very high, and he had enough knowledge.

As a result, he had his own opinion on many things.

This meant that a huge impact was needed to change him.

Jack said, "Steve, you're right. The objective of the nobles is to rule a group of fools. It's much more convenient than ruling a group of scholars."

Everyone was shocked after hearing that.

Jack also thought about many things in an instant.

In his previous life, there was a mysterious country that had existed for thousands of years without crumbling apart.

That country's management of the people was very interesting.

It did not seal knowledge nor create obstacles to obtaining knowledge, there was no slavery as well, the people were educated through studying.

This method was very powerful. When everyone was studying, they were unknowingly brainwashed.

Of course, this method was not feasible.

Such a society was also abnormal because it suppressed human nature.

It had forcefully set the standard of conduct, methods of conduct, and so on.

It would be fine if nothing happened, but once an issue occurred, the entire society would fall into chaos!

Of course, this was much better than this current society!

This society treated people as animals and kept them in captivity. They became the tools of the aristocrats!

'Are you telling the truth, President?' said Steve, trembling.

The others widened their eyes in disbelief.

They could see how much Jack's words had impacted them.

Even Joey could not accept Jack's words for a moment.

"Isn't that so?" Jack said, "Think about it carefully. Let's not talk about the Noah Continent a thousand years ago. Just look at your life. Has the lives of the people at the bottom level of the Noah Continent changed?"

Steve shook his head and did not speak, but Jack knew he was in deep pain right now.

The nobles he had always served did not treat him as a human.

If he did not have the chance to become the Earl's butler or Jack's butler, then what would he be now?

Steve could not help but look over at the slaves feeding the sheep.

His heart skipped a beat.

His gaze became determined.

"Mr. President, you're right. We were fooled!" Steve said.

Jack nodded.

His efforts were still useful.

Next, he had to promote this idea through them.

Otherwise, if he were to do everything, it would be useless even if he were to clone himself!

Then, Jack asked, "What do you think about dividing the sheep?"

Steve took a deep breath and said, "Mr. President, I suggest that we distribute them to a batch of people. However, those who are assigned cannot leave their original group. In other words, they still have to complete their missions while taking care of the sheep."

Jack nodded and said, "Let's do as you say. Let me know if there are any results."

He knew that this matter could not be rushed.

On the one hand, it was difficult to win the trust of the slaves and make them sincerely raise sheep.

With the team's restrictions and supervision, it was equivalent to putting a restraint on them, allowing them to slowly adapt.

On the other hand, the people in this world were completely different from the people in the previous world. To move the ideology of the previous world into this world required time and observation!

Jack did not want to nurture a group of uncontrollable people either.

He gave Steve the job of distributing the Salt Pool Beach Sheep, and at the same time asked him to borrow the experience of raising chickens to raise sheep.

Jack did not intend to care about the rest.

He had too many things to take care of every day.

A few months had passed, and he had said all that he needed to say. To be able to comprehend it was their fortuitous encounter. If they could not comprehend it, then they could only retire.


More than half a month has passed. After Steve assigned the sheep to the groups, there was a heated discussion.

Fortunately, Steve and the others explained and the plan was successfully implemented.

Early in the morning, Jack was still training his battle aura.

Thanks to the long-term consumption of barley, Jack was already a step away from reaching gold battle aura.

Perhaps, he would be able to achieve a breakthrough very soon.

Even Eugene was amazed by this speed!

He called Jack an unprecedented genius.

It should be known that battle aura training was always built on time.

However, without exception, reaching the peak of Silver rank required 10 years. Apart from their aptitude and opportunities, they also needed sufficient rare treasures to nourish themselves.

Jack was able to surpass the efforts of most people for decades in just a few months, it was no wonder Eugene was so impressed!

Eugene was also greatly moved. He originally thought that he could protect the president as a Gold Swordsman, but he had unexpectedly caught up again!

This made him wonder, who was protecting who?

When Jack finished circulating his energy and was about to eat breakfast, Alice suddenly came while panicking.

Seeing Jack, she hurriedly said, "Brother Jack, bad news. Eugene brought news that the mermen are attacking again."

"What?" Jack frowned.

This was not good news. He had thought that they had enough time, but it seemed that the mermen did not intend to give them any more time to develop.

Jack stood up. Without eating, he said to Alice, "Ask Regiment Commander Enger, Steward Steve, and the Hunter Squad Captain Snike to meet me at the beach."

With that said, Jack quickly went downstairs with Eugene and rushed towards the place where the mermen were attacking.


At this moment, the Silver Swordsmen were on high alert at the beach.

"Sigh, do mermen exist or not? I've been defending for months, but I haven't seen a single one!"

"Yeah, I think I should go home. The bed is more comfortable. I feel like I can die lying down in bed!"

"Haha, that's right. I miss Sir Alice's chicken too. It's so delicious."

"Don't be careless. It is a blessing that we haven't seen one. Once we do, if we can't stop them, all the slaves behind us will be doomed!"

"Hmph, so what? Aren't they just mermen? I'll kill one with a swing of my sword!"


"Hey, the water over there seems to be moving."

Someone said out of nowhere.

Everyone looked at where the person's hand pointed.

The sea was calm and tranquil, looking dark and gloomy.

"Tsk, what happened?"

A Silver Swordsman held a sword and swaggered over.

"If there is a merman, I'll cook it for tonight's dinner. I haven't tasted a merman yet!"

"Be careful, Dave." Someone reminded him.

The man called Dave did not look back. He waved his hand to indicate he knew.

Hence, they arrived at the place where the commotion occurred.

Stepping on the reefs, he looked at the dark sea in front of him.

Dave could not help but swallow.

The unknown was the most terrifying.

This was true no matter who it was.

He looked for a while, but there was still no movement.

Hence, he was relieved. He picked up his sword and plunged it into the pitch-black sea.

Because it was a shallow sea, the sword quickly reached the bottom. According to the touch, it was just some sand.

This made Dave let out a big sigh of relief.

At the same time, he was so angry about his cowardice that he almost cried.

Thinking that he had acted in an embarrassing way which was seen by everyone, he showed an indifferent expression and turned around to say, "There's nothing. It should just be a fish. It's a pity that we can't catch one for dinner tonight!"
