Sorry, We're Late!

As the mermen retreated, the surviving Silver Swordsman could finally be seen.

Jack, who was standing among countless corpses, looked up.

Only three Silver Swordsmen were still standing.

The three of them were covered in blood.

He did not know if the blood was theirs or the mermen.

Everyone moved closer to Jack, while he brought them to gather with the survivors.

As they approached, the survivors suddenly brandished their weapons.

"You want to rebel?" Eugene and the other Gold Swordsmen hurriedly attacked.

But Jack blocked them.

Then, Jack and others retreated out of their attack range. Sure enough, their attack stopped!

Everyone fell silent when they saw this!

"They've already reached their limits. The only reason they haven't fallen is because there's a strand of hope that's still holding on!" Eugene sighed.

"What happened to them? Why is it so tragic?" Jack could not help but say.

These people were just slaves.

In a situation where there was such a huge difference in the number of enemies and allies, why were they still fighting so desperately?

Under such circumstances, even if they retreated, Jack would not punish them.

There were simply too many mermen.

They could not even resist.

Forcefully resisting would only lead to death!

But why did they choose this?

Jack did not understand.

This was the first time he doubted the word slave!

"Mr. President, they did it for you!" Eugene could not help but say.

"For me?" Jack was stunned.

He had transmigrated from the previous world.

The US respected its citizens' privacy, it also emphasized individual freedom.

Therefore, there was no such thing as voluntary bravery.

In other words, even if the President of the United States wanted a soldier to fight for his life, he had to give him enough benefits.

He could not give an order directly!

This was why the US military had many traitors on the battlefield in Afghanistan.

Because no soldier was willing to risk their lives for this meager wage.

Especially when the opponent was a Afghan loyalist.

So that was the cause of Jack's mindset. He did not believe that the other party could give up everything for him without any demands.

"Yes!" Eugene nodded and said, "Mr. President, you might not be aware of what you've given to these slaves."

Jack shook his head and looked at the Gold Swordsmen and the Silver Swordsmen behind him.

Suddenly, he saw admiration, gratitude, and hope for a new life in their eyes.

At this moment, Jack suddenly understood something.

Eugene spoke again, "Mr. President, if it weren't for you, we might not have known when we would die. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to have our current achievements and lives. So we admire and thank you from the bottom of our hearts!"

"That's right!" The Silver Swordsman who reported the news cried, "When I left, the war cry they shouted was to fight for the President! I know that they are not just shouting in vain, this is coming from the bottom of their hearts."

A Golden Swordsman said: "President, they are right! You changed us and gave us a chance to grow stronger. Not only them, but even I will sacrifice myself without hesitation when needed.".

The others nodded firmly.

They looked at Jack with reddened faces.

Looking at the people behind him, Jack was touched for the first time!

He was an American. He believed in equal exchange rather than relying on relationships.

However, at this moment, this ignorant world gave him an emotional blow.

Jack gritted his teeth and nodded slowly.

He did not say anything.

He would remember this trust!

Then, he looked at the Silver Swordsmen who was still standing at the side and said, "Sorry, we're late!"

Without waiting for their reaction, he directly activated Conqueror's Haki and made them faint.

The people beside him quickly went up to support them.

No one despised them for being covered in blood.

To them, these were heroes, fearless heroes.

Under such a disparity in strength, they would rather risk their lives than take a step back. This was a true hero!

"Take them to the castle and rest well. Prepare to promote them to Gold Swordsman!" Jack said with a heavy heart, "They are more than qualified!"

Everyone nodded.

The huge commotion alerted the slaves nearby.

Many people rushed over spontaneously. Some carried hoes, some carried sickles, some carried wooden sticks, and some carried benches. However, everyone came here without hesitation.

At the front were Regiment Commander Enger and Steve.

Jack glanced at them but did not say anything. He continued walking.

There were seven or eight Silver Swordsmen stationed here.

But now, he only found three. As for the rest, he wanted to find them, alive or dead.

The rest followed the president slowly.

Finally, Jack used his Observation Haki and sensed some movements in a pile of merman corpses.

Jack went up quickly and pulled away the body of the merman.

Indeed, a young face was exposed.

His eyes had been pierced through.

Less than ten percent of his skin remained.

The area below his neck had disappeared completely.

Sensing the commotion, the Silver Swordsman, who only had one breath left, struggled.

Jack was shocked to see this.

The swordsman must have thought it was a merman who came!

Therefore, he instinctively wanted to swing the sword in his hand to kill the merman.

However, he did not know that his body below the neck was gone.

Jack was silent.

The people behind him could not help but fall silent too.


Too tragic!

Everyone clenched their fists tightly.

They were angry at themselves for not killing more mermen!

Seeing that he was still struggling, Jack sighed and said softly, "Sorry, we're late!"

Hearing Jack's voice, the head became even more agitated.

His cloudy eyes were filled with tears.

It was as if he wanted to tell Jack that they did not take a single step back and firmly kept the promise that they made back then.

Jack did not dare to tell him the truth. He only forced a smile and said, "The mermen were defeated by you guys, and our country, New World, was also guarded by you. You are the real heroes!"

"I am President Jack. I have come here and seen your bravery. I praise you. You are the greatest heroes!"

"Don't worry, your stories will be passed down forever. In the future, there will be those who will inherit your will!"
