Jack's Plans

But thinking about it, there were too many benefits!

Steve quickly understood Jack's thoughts and stroked his beard as he said, "I'll add on to that, the President's thoughts are more than that. It's completely different from training to be on the battlefield. His intention is to let these soldiers feel everyone's expectations and have scruples when fighting so that they can fight against the mermen even more desperately."

Jack nodded in agreement.

It was something like that.

This scheme was called the power of an idol in his previous life.

Indeed, all countries would try to improve the image of their soldiers.

It was to make the army feel honor.

This way, whether it was on the battlefield or outside, this formless sense of honor would restrain them, and they would work towards the direction everyone expected.

The most important thing about this method was that even Steve could not see through it.

That is to increase everyone's recognition and sense of belonging to the New World island.

This was very important!

Jack could not hold the soul contract in his hands forever.

One day, he had to let them go.

But the question was, how would the slaves perform after gaining freedom?

It was not reliable to let Jack use Inspection on them one by one.

Therefore, increasing their sense of identity and honor was Jack's plan!

Once it succeeded, Jack was confident that everyone on the island would not be able to leave the New World island for the rest of their lives!

The plan was finalized and everyone prepared themselves.

The inspection time was set to be five days later.

The examination location was at the previous location.

However, he had to increase the size of the venue to accommodate 800 people.

Jack told the regiment commander what he thought and told him to go down and arrange for someone to make the platform.

After the news spread, it caused a commotion among the slaves.

All the slaves felt that they were being valued.

Thus, in these five days, many people began to pay attention to themselves.

They wanted to perform better that day.


Time slowly gradually, five days later.

The assessment was held as scheduled. Apart from the swordsmen guarding the coast, everyone came to the castle to watch the inspection.

This was the first time most people were outside the castle.

Seeing the majestic castle, everyone was shocked.

"Is this the President's castle? It's so beautiful!"

"Yes, I've never seen such a magnificent castle when I worked at the Earl's house. It's really exciting!"

"I wonder if I have a chance to stay in it."

"Definitely. As long as you perform well enough, the President will agree one day. Look at all those soldiers living inside."

"That's right, we have to work hard too. I must pass the next assessment!"


Under the guidance of a professional, everyone arrived at the designated venue.

The place of inspection had been decorated with special red paint.

There were also fences on both sides to prevent the slaves from rushing in too excitedly.

Jack and the other executives were standing under the castle wall.

Looking at the setup below, Jack could not help but feel proud!

He had only seen this scene on television before.

When he saw the country showcasing their strength, he was equally excited.

There was also a strong sense of belonging to the country.

But it was different now.

Right now, he was the one inspecting them, and the army below was also his.

This feeling made Jack wonder if the American president felt the same way.

It was indeed addictive!

Meanwhile, on the other side, the inspection team that was actively preparing did not have it as easy as before.

The previous inspection was only for the president and the higher-ups.

After all, the number of people was limited. In addition, the President's early mobilization made everyone's blood boil. Naturally, they did not feel nervous.

But now, they had to face the entire island!

Among them were their relatives, acquaintances, and girlfriends.

Their every performance would become the focus of everyone's future gatherings and idle chatter.

No one dared to underestimate this inspection.

In order to improve their mental state during the review, the soldiers who became official soldiers began to consciously learn the movements of the ceremonial guards during the assessment.

Hence, such scenes often appeared in the teams that were preparing.

"Hey man, you're training too?"

"That's right, how do I kick with this step? My childhood friend told me that when I kick, I have to be fast, my legs have to be straight, and I have to raise my head and chest, but I can't maintain stability at all!"

"Damn, the steps to stand at attention are still considered simple. Let me tell you, the issue is running. It's too difficult, especially when we have to be in sync with everyone, I'm always moving too fast!"

"I really don't know how those people trained. It's so difficult, and they did it so neatly. It's too scary!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down! I heard that they were almost driven insane by Cyril! They're all calling him a terrifying demon behind his back!"


Compared to the soldiers, the other teams were even more nervous.

These teams have generally made outstanding contributions to the New World Island, such as the Hunter Squad, the farm group, the highland barley group, and so on.

Most of them had never seen such a scene before.

If they had not been bought by Jack, they might never have had such a glorious moment in their life.

But the greater the excitement, the greater the nervousness.

Thus, such scenes often appeared in these teams.

"Hey, how's your team's preparation going?"

"Don't mention it. It's too difficult. Everyone is embarrassed. If I hadn't given the order, no one would have listened!"

"Me too! This is the time for them to bring glory to their ancestors, but they just won't listen. I'm so anxious that I'm almost losing my mind!"


Compared to the two teams in front, the ceremonial guards' performance was much more normal.

After all, their job was to perform, and they trained harder than everyone else.

Furthermore, they had almost been driven insane by Cyril's demands.

Therefore, they were already used to such a sight!

No matter how ruthless it was, could it be more ruthless than Cyril?

Many people expressed that they would rather fight the mermen than face Cyril!

After a while, Eugene found Cyril and said to him, "The president wants you to send some reserve members of the ceremonial guards to maintain order."

Cyril nodded.

The selection of ceremonial guards was very difficult.

This was because they had to consider the height, weight, and face of the team members.

Therefore, everyone in the ceremonial guards was very important.

Even if they were not selected as official members, they would still remain in the training base and continue training!

This was the perfect time to use them.

Thus, Cyril handed over a batch of reserve members to Eugene.

Eugene arrived with the reserve members.

As soon as they arrived at the venue, they were greeted with the attention of everyone.

They all pointed out whose son, husband, and friend these members were.

Many people even proudly said that their clothes came from their own farm!

In short, everything on the island had been successfully used. Everyone's faces were brimming with the joy of recognition.

It was time for the military parade!
